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Show FAE PARING FOR A VAST WAR A brief dispatch yesterday gives a key note to the intentions of Russia and Britain. The latter country, not relying alone upon her immense manufactories manu-factories for turning out engines of war, has ordered eighty batteries, of tho Gatling metrailleurs, of eight guns each, to ba manufajtured in America; and the former U having metrailleurs made at home by American workmen. It is farther said that the evidences indicate that Russia is preparing for war on a grand scale. The proposed conference of the European powers, on the neutrality of the Euxine, does not calm apprehensions apprehen-sions of another war. Russia says her demands are necessary for the maintenance main-tenance of the peace of Europe. That is, she will go into a Congress to submit sub-mit her demands to the combined powen, determined to have her claims, by diplomacy if possible, by arbitrament arbitra-ment of arms if necessary. Russian diplomacy has not inaptly bcea compared to the wily policy of Asiatic nations. She will mislead her rrrahi in greatness, if possible; nor is there particular blauie to bo attached at-tached to the servants of the Czar if they succeed in so doing ; for tho craft of diplomatists diplo-matists has this as a lecding characteristic. char-acteristic. But Russia is as tenacious of hor determination to push her dominions south-eastward as ever. She has had nearly fifteen years, since the unity of Paris which closed tbo Crimean war, to recruit her cxhau-tcd energies; and while Uiany important and progressive chungim have occurred in the etnpiro during that time, the increasing of her military htrcuuli has not been forgotten. It is probably prob-ably that to-day Itu'sia is the best prepared for war of any nation in Europe. Like Germany bel'orc the opening of the prc.ciit. cimpaign with France, sho h:m ";n quietly but effKjivtly gctiiug ready for a ontc-.t; (tnd though GorKchalioff luay cspre -a tho slrri"'"" dir (or t lm continu ation of arnica!'': atiou with Britain and the otiic-r : 'iwcrs in-re.-ieu ui the question, there is 1;f.',e douU rlwt Russia designs enforce her claims, and feeL uVe and r;a.ly for the iisue. Tho ' Wliiyerent elements through Europe arc ..luiiy intiauimabk . aud a war. teuei.tl ...v. I that C'.nitinei,. may burst out aii;, day. |