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Show iHsk-: mi H ni w ii. I n mill am.'iaii.i n LOOK HEEE ! Clicicc Poultry a Rabl?its3 for sal and imported tr o-der. A few choice Es fur salo. Sewing Machines Bought, Bold, exchanged aud cleaned. Htlf a block e mi ol the pot otfiee. JAMEi THOMSON. D. 0. CALDtR, WM. C ALDER, OEOBOK CALDER Calder UroiSaers, Saxt Lake City, Uoolcsellcrs, Stationers, AnJ IK.lor in MIMICAL MERCHANDISE ni-.J FANCY G00rs. M.K-o'.'.nnfonj lVmkn, for Public. Prirat? ni Sandiv S.-ho.il Lil'rnr: ; S.h.iol B'ok-, Mm, ':!.. Chans, an i alt other articles ni 13 Srhsols. A complete assortment of B.i.mk Bh.', Writing V,vr, I'ockst Cutlery, and ftationiiry. Al'Llims, Poeket B'.k... Kn ;r.ivinc ami' Croms. A full ei.Kk of Musical Intnimeim and Minieal MercfcaadiM. t:-::.r:al Ac-rntF for all of the oc.-t i.iano r.n.l 01. iu ceeiuractiirvrs. .ei'l for the j.iil'U-k -r of siit'?.-ri'ti' li l.K."-kjs. A lrg? Awrlm-: of SUNDAY SCHOOt, PRIZES Just R&t.'pd. PIONEER STEAM WOOD WORKING COMPANY. Vv II. Foi.soNt, Thus. Latimer. Geo. HoM.Niiv, . II. Taylor. F0LB01, ROIIEY & 00., (South Temple Street, one block west of the Tr.bemacle,) Having added to their already extensive stock of Machinery, are now prepared to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly reduced rates, from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. We have a complete set of Sash and Door Machinery, by which we can fill large or small orders with great dispatch. asm am ia We publish a list of sizes of Doors and Windows which are always kept on hand. Lip or cheek rail sash and all kinds and sizes of doors made to order : Sash Sizes. Door Sizes. SxlO windows, 2 ft 4V in x 3 ft 9?in 2 ft C in by 6 ft 6 in 10x12 " 2 101 x4 6 2 8 " 6 8 UixU " 2 10V x 5 2 2 10 " 6 10 10x16 " 2 loi x5 10 3 feet " 7 feet. Ulinds, Frames siiatl Mouldings. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all kinds of open-mss. open-mss. Door and Window Frames, plain and panneled. Having one of Fay's fpTendid 2"o. 1 moulding machiues we can furnish every variety of Mouldings. WOOD TUENIXG. We have a No. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged Fred- Fis'er, the best turner in the Territory, and will furnish turning of all descriptions, including inclu-ding wheel heads, chairs, bedsteads, and all kinds of wood turning at low rates. latest improved machinery. Our machinery is the very best that could be purchased in the East, consisting con-sisting of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, for surfacing lumber and tonguing and groovine flooring ; a Daniels Planer, for planing lumber out of wind ; a lenon ing Machine; a heavy power Mortising Maching; machines lor rabbiting, plowing, making sash, doors, blinds and mouldings. ; As a great variety of work can be done on these machines, it gives us a great advantage in contracting and building. W. IT. FOESOM attends to the building department, and being an experienced architect, and having on hand all the latest architectural works, is prepared to make plans, specifications, details, and contract for buildings of all kinds. The old firm of LATIMER & TAYLOR have charge of the machine department and in connection with the above machinery run a set of circular saws, and are prepared to rip boards, plank, pickets, fence rails, strips &c., &c. All who intend to beautify, improve and build up, and want cheap and good work, call on p. o. Box see. Folsom, Honmey & Co. THE SALT LAKE A New Morning Newspaper, Published every morniug except Monday. Office: OLD CONSTITUTION Building, East Temple Street. It contains the latest Idegrapliic Dispatches, Kews by Mail, LkUlorials on Currem Topics, Spicy Locals, Interesting Correspondence, Agricultural Information, i ' Horticultural Items, i Selected Readings, j I Foreign, Domestic, l Commercial, Radicay, and Aliaiitg j Intelligence, j Being a complete Compendium of I Current History. I TERMS: ' 1 Ye., : .-. V : : : 00 3 Mouth, 20 1 Mocth, : : : : : : "5 j 1 Wek, ; : II. McEwax, S. M. STir-nor;6E. UTAH. JOB PRINTING OFFICE! lit South St-eet, West, of Meat Market. We take pleasure in announcing to our patrons tht we are prepared to prompt-ly prompt-ly fill all orders for HAND-BILLS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BLANK CHECKS, NOTES OF DEPOSIT, PROMISSORY NOTES, DUE BILLS, RECEIPTS, ORDER BOOKS, WAY BILLS, BILLS OF FARE, SCHEDULES, CERTIFICATES, TRANSFERS, DEEDS, BONDS, And every varie.ty of BLAXK WORK, Business, Visiting and Wedding O .A. R D S ! Orders from the rountry are solicited, and will rfeivo prompt attention. XATIOAIi F!A(iiS FOR LIBERTY POLES AND HOUSES OF BUSINESS. Military Flags, Regimental and Company Colors for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery, of English Bunting and other materials, made to order by The Pioneer Flag Maker, James 1'liillips, Salesman at Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution. DINWOODEY'S UPHOLSTERY AND FURNITURE ft'ANUFACT'Y, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City. SALlE rooms, EAST TE3IPLE STltEET, Salt Lake City. A Large Assortment of HOME-IYIACE and IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly on hand. COFFINS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL Always in Stock. THE Salt Lake House, F. LITTLE, Proprietor, Is Open for the Reception of Guests GOOD ACCOMMODATION. NEW MOVE. The Intelligence Office, Groesbeck's ' corner, East Temple street, has moved one door South, where the Bulletin Board before the door -will show you what is wanted and give valuable information in-formation on a variety of matters. You can step inside if you wish to hire help, require situations, have houses, horses, farms or anything else for sale,, or desire to rent or purchase, and have your business attended to with prompiuess and intelligence. WM. B. WRIGHT. WARiM SPRING BATHS ! These Celebrated Baths are Open to the Publio at All Seasons THEIR MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Are so Widely Known that it is needless need-less to enumerate them. H. ARNOLD. MACHINERY All kinds of Machine Work, Tuining, Turning, Boriug, Screw Cutting Cut-ting and Fitting. Rrass Castings, &c. WM. J. SILVER, 19th ward, 6 blocks north of the Tabernacle. Fanner's Wvtv How to- Make Good Slror, Vinegar! IN ONE DAY, Fvom Cider, Sorshnn,,u lasses, Susar, Wine or t Juice of any Fruit, r, rections simple and' ea Cost not one-lialf tliat I lie old process of allow! Cider to sour in barrel Any on r can make it f,, directions sent on r(.c'ei of Fifty cents. Addres W . III. Rishoj), St. Louis, Mo; 1 Jas. Linforth, E B. Kail, y, K,, IaVS F4) RTif? KELLOGG j & R Xll I ( Successors to L. B. Benchlry i r ' Im porters and Jobbery of Ame?.-,. English and German HARD TV A R I i i Agricultural Implement! AXD MINING TOOlj Nos. 3 and 5 Front Street, near 1 ket, SAN FRANC'ISC Ijook! Look! i GREAT ' WATCH m 2,000 I WrATCTTES, PATENT LEVER JIOVEHDT-JfLL JIOVEHDT-JfLL J"EY"ELED, BUMIXG CASE. I STERLING SILVER, j Beautifully engraved, and in evi' respect first-class Timers; to j sold at 1 Five IoIIars ! i sach, being less than three fourths, cost of Manufacture. These attt-are attt-are retailed by Jewelers at from $1( SIS; the actual cost to m-imifaor: being Eight dollars each. Thirst, of Watches was purchased at Ba:; rnpt iSale in London, and are V offered at such extremely low tun, that all may possess a coiTect Tu keeper at a merely nominal ss Every Watch warranted for t years. Parties . ordering them sent by n must enclose 30 cents extra to pre-:, postage. Money enclosed in a t scaled letter may be sent at our risk; This is no "gift enterprise," tbt fore have no circulars, but a regi-sale regi-sale of Watches at a very low discot Address all letters to EDWARD HALE & CO., j 110 Bridge street, Brooklyn, .V. i t r v i jr g nous A Tirst Class Hotel EuroiH'un ThiD. Location unsurrassed, being cfJ Union Square, Wallaek'sTheate, V- A. T. Stewart's new (up town, BroadAvay & Twrltlh A'ew Vork, G.P.1IAKLOW, np'r j ST. CLA1U HOTEI, Cor. Thiril anJ JtarXet Slrotl-s ST. LOl'l? ' TERMS 82JPER DAY. HOISB ELUMSHKU WITH TUK r-S Sl'lilMl nt'-l'S. Homo ccnlrnlljr Iih-hIimI. Hum f'r " ,r" Oenorn! K. 11. mid Siwinitol tii kc ln J. CIIESIXY, Propr. j |