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Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. VniU-il Ptntcs Oflirers for Vuh. iUcrtrv t. A. M.uin. NevuU. Man-ha! M. E. I'atrirk, Noim-k;i. U. Att"rn. v C. H. ll'Miii.-tcti'l. Cal. npt. Itnlian Affairs J. K. Tourtell-.tte, Minn. ?nrv('Vr-(n.'ral C. C. CMncnts, Inl. HwrHTr of PuMic MoTievs .1. B. Overtn, Fit. R-rister of Land Oitia? (ieurge R. Maxwell, M.cli. l S. A"f-r J"lm P. Tutrirart. I1L U. 3- roll-- tor 0. J. H..lli-1-T, Cal. Chief Justice C. ViNn. HI-AmiMh HI-AmiMh ,irtirei 0. F. tftrk'kJiuid, Mich., and C. M. Uawk-j, HI. TL-rritorial 0 fibers. IVIesrate to Congress Wtji. II. Hooper. AttnniPV-General Z?rulbabei Snuw. Marshal .1. 0.1'. McAllister. Auditor M m. CIayTuii. Treasurer James Jiu k. Sujujrintcudeut of Cuniruon Schools Robert L. Caapbell. City Offic-rs. Ma tor. Dnll II. TV11i. ALDERMB!. let Municipal Ward, Iaac Groo. 2nd " " Sajuuel W. Richard , 3rd M "A. 11. Kaieijrb. 4ih " Jeter Chntou. 5th " A. C. Pvper. Cov.ncilors. R. T. Burton, Theodore McKean, Thomas Jra-kiuf, Jra-kiuf, Huher P. Kimball, Henry Grow, John Clark, Thomas McLelland, John R. Winder, Lew id fcs. Hills. Recorder Robert Campbell. Treasurer Paul A. Schettler. Marshal John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Public Accounts Robert Campbell. A'e-?:or and Collector John R. Winder. Sin-ervisor of Streets Isaac Groo. Surveyor Jce W. Fox. C"Anl of School Inspectors Professor J. R. Fark. Robert L. Campbell. Henry I. TJureinus. -;Uer of Weights and Measures Nathan Davis. C;ipt.iin uf I'nlice Andrew Burt. Vi ruer Miv'ter Isaa: Groo. Inilctur of Btiildins A. If. Raleigh. ' " M ood and Lumber II. Dinwoodey. " " Liquors Robert Campbell. " " I'luviions Jes?e C. Little. Quarantine Physician Jeter Clinton. Cb:-.f Engineer Fire Department John D. T. McAllister. Board of Examining Physician? Doctors W. F. Ai'ler,im, J. 6. Ornnby, Jeter Clinton. City Market Maxtor Andrew Burt. " Sexton Joseph E. T:tyor. " Stuck Inspector H. J. F;m t. Superintendent Iii-ane Ashjuiand Ilospital Theodore McKeaii. Pnysician Insane Asylum and Hospital Jeter Cliiitou. FENCE VIEWERS. 1st Municipal Ward Levi Riter. i 1 " " Samuel Tunibow. " " Gideon II. C. Gibbs. 4'.h " Millea Atwood. itk M " W. 0. A. Smoot. |