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Show CHEAPJOODS! If you want GOODS Cheaper than ever sold before in this City, call at the Sign of the Cheap Cash Store ! A Full Stock of Groceries and a Variety of other Goods. Morris fc Evans, SALT LAKE CITY. "II.IA.o MORRIS SAMl'KL L. KVAN'S b-B 11 J""' r,,-l''lf"l.v tu inform tbc jhiMic that uiCT have coinmcm-fM busim-? Builders & Grave & Monumental Masons. An.l will work enlrustod to their rar ! in Marble u.LSu,,J..)ne with CHEAPNESS, AND Dli-rATCIl. "'gt. Lttr rldred r. 0. Bll 81. j WAITED. . A'lvertiflients uit'lfr this ho.-irl, occupyinj; nnt mule than fuur lines, FIFTY CKNTS each iu-serti- tt, Wanted Any person with several young pigs to sell can find a purchaser by inquiring at the Hkrald office. For Itcnt A House in the 20th ward, on South Temple street, twd blocks east of Vtseret Neics office. Canvassers Wanted Several energetic canvassers can find employment employ-ment by calling ac the Herald office. For Sale Cheap. A great variety vari-ety of Flavoring Extracts. Ice Cream makers, call and get some at Stubbs & Kikkwood. IIUSEYESS CARDS. T. & W. TAYLOR, Wet Side of East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, And a General Assortment of Merchandise. MARSHALL & CARTER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. W. F. Anderson, M. D., SURGEON' AND PHYSICIAN. Office at Residence, in the Thirteenth Ward. C. BARRETT, Analytical Chemist, Assayer, etc. Offico at J. R. Clawson's Restaurant and Ice Cream SAluon, 1st South street, a few doors west Of Theatre. Z. SNOW. E. D. IIOGE. S-XOW & IIOGE, Attornoys and Counselors at Law, SALT LAKK CITY, UTAH. Office at Snow's corner, 1st East St. 20th WARD Pleasure Gardcits ! WEST OF THE CEMETERY. This pleasant place of resort is now open, with every accommodation for parties and visitors. Swings ami Vtt'r7iffi(s in full blast; also a giant stride swing, for expand ing the lungs. Good Bowery for dancing. Comfort ihh Bath House. Summer Dn'Jcs, Candies, Nuts, etc. A'l kinds of Frni' in the season, grasshoppers grass-hoppers permitting. Magnificent Mews of Salt Lake City and surrounding scenery gratis. 'C031E O.VE, CCOIE ALL," And breathe the pure mountain air and enjoy my gardcub. MARK LINDSAY, Proprietor. E. II. ROSS, 31 a p 1' ul lis her, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Oval, Ilustic and Fancy Frames, Engravings, En-gravings, Li'hograptis, Photographs, Photo-graphs, L'hromos, Albums, Al-bums, Pocket .Maps and Charts. A'a, 313 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Book and Stationery Dealer. Apnt; and Cftn-Tawrs Cftn-Tawrs supplied at the lowest rate. 5end for descriptive circular. THE SALT LAKE 'M13IEA1LEB. Published every morning, cx3ept Monday, Mon-day, at j Old Constitution Buildings, East Temple st., Salt Lake City. TERMS : 1 Year, $S 00 0 Months, 4 00 3 2 00 1 " 75 1 week, 25 Invariably in Advance. WM. C. DUNBAR, JBuMness Manager. GREAT i COMBINATION OF Antiquities AND NOVELTIES AT THE MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a Block "West of Prest. B. Young's residence. THE FINEST COLLECTION OP Natie Animals and Birds, HOME PRODUCTIONS, HOME MANUFACTURES, INDIAN RELICS, FOREIGN CURIOSITIES AND COINS EVER EXHIBITED IN THE Ilocltj Mountains; TOGETHER WITH THE Happy Family, TT7iii7t consists of two varieties of .MONKEYS, DIXIE QUAILS, BLUE CRESTED JAYS, PAROQUET, DOVES, DOG AND CAT, AND A NATIVE SAGE RABBIT, ALL LIVING TOGETHER IN THE GREATEST FELICITY IMAGINABLE! II V It IV U M CAN ALSO BE SEEN HERE. j Open every day, except Sunday, ' I from I ! si. m. lo ( p. in. ! Admission its. I Children, H) u Feeding Time, 3 p. in. ' Saturdays, Families and School; 25 cts. j WM. II. HOCrEK, II. s. tLDREDOE, L, S. HILLS. HOOPER, ELDREDGE& CO., BANKERS. East Teut-li: St., Salt Lake Citt, Pealfrs to GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS, ETC. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED. CORRESPONDENTS RH30S & CO., NLw YORK, BANK OF CAL , BAN FRANCISCO, FIRST NAT'L BANK, CHICAGO, EXCHANGE BANK, ST. LOUS, FIRST NAT'L BANK, OMAHA. J. S. MORGAN & CO., LONDON. 'di-.1V. II. GliOTES, SURG-EOISr AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. ToIh fillej with gvld and wurtatxl NOT TO ACHE 'ur ten or twelve yoari. TEETH Inserted on the ci'firrnt prvious mstalu, frviq a eiDglo toy lb to a full ict, priuea r&uyiug from $40 TO $200 Tcr full net. Satisfaction wtnautij In .11 OFFICE: On lid South htrcet, 3 doors west of Revere House, Salt Lako City. 3 I f 3 ? H 7 IMPORTANT To vory LOVER OF NATUKE ! THE CE EBRATED PATENT CRAIQ MICROSCOPE. During tlf jnst S('x I' art its worth has lieen ti-xtijhd to by thnunvJ of Scientific M-H, School Tciclicm, Stu dints, Fhisicians and others. SinijiUji'd nwi Adapted to Popular us will as Scientific vsc it is an Optical Wonder. Its Magnifying jiowcr is tj:. TJIOISAMJ TI.MKS Conddning atdbss instruction vilh amusement ; A Bmutiful Gif', and one that never lose its intintt, reveals the vneeni vjonders of crention, Eils in 1 inrgar Animals in water, Chrrst Mi'e.s, Sugar and lbh Jnsicis, Milk Glolndes, Adulterations in Food und Drugs. Also the Trichina Sjiralit or Purl: Korrns. A very beautiful and ornamental In.-truinent, .'-liould lie on the table of every Painiiy, Physician, Scienliiio Man, Student and School. An Unseen Kingdom is opened to the eye by this Instrument. -No lover of the beautiful fhould be without it. Every Instrument i.i put up in k neat box, with full directions fur uing it, carefully pasted on the oover. Thousands have been sent by mail, and the proprietor guarunteob a saia transit to each instrument. We are sending them every day. Price by mail, posUta prepaid, ?--75, or with two Mouiut-j ObjeoU, $3.W. Address, E. II. ROSS, 313. Locust street, Sm, Louim Mo. |