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Show THE WEST. A crusade against squ'rrels bns hppn inaoflj irated in C-mra Cos;a Coun'-v , California. O e man named Welch, h s a'ready killed over five thousno of them. A Californii lion, who had ben a-nusiurf himself killing colts near Shing etown, SI) st i Cuuq t, wa- induced in-duced o pass in his ehtCad by a duse of p.-isou la-t week. Some strsBpers came ino Shasta county, bsfc wt-eW, and comiue;,ced pro- '-cting oa Spring creek, whe-e ;j-y have heeo taking out fioin $2,23 to $'2 50 the panful. Austin, - Nevada, 'intends to bav-, at an ei.rly daj" a ruiiroao! from Iiat-1 Iiat-1 le n onti'i-in o-i the Central Pacific, up ike little River Yiii!y to hat plae , a distance of Linty-five miles Foarteen San Fr ineiscans left San Dieuo May 30 for Gaud i upe Island, for the purpose of limiting the ivdd goats thi.t abouud there. Three-koni'cides, and two probably fatal slioo'ini; cases have occurred iu Los Angeies and vicinity since 1 .at. Sa. erday. The Seventh United States Infantry, Infan-try, numbering 259 men, has arr,v-d at FLIei a, Montana. Ma- y of tb, m .-offered from cold, stormy we-ither en route. O ie of C-;ptain llaynie's cocooneries, cocooner-ies, 'oca ed a short di-tance eii-t of Sacrameu o, waspartiahy des'roytd hy fire, a'-out daylight, on Sunday. Some 250,000 Wirtm were destroyed. Coiisideraule othtr property vus Lurnid. 'I he business men of Valbjo have get er lly rgreed to elo-e their et'-res on Sun ay, which the Chronicle calk 'u step nearer C'hni-tiau civi lz.t.ou.'' Chickens ure missi g f ora ibeir 10 -s s in Nevada City in e:e t mim-l. mim-l. rs, and thw people dou't know whe'.t er it polecats or Cuintse. In Virginia, Nev , June 7th. B-uis-fi--l & C ., assajers, received 3,300; I ouuus of ctu .e bullion for m lting and ts.-ayUg. In th" last werk, Wcl's. Fargo & Co., at E ko, have received th to:-lowir.g to:-lowir.g i-ni'uinia of bulli n: From Cope, $3,000; ftom Idaho, 10,200. Iu Los Angeles, on tbe night of Jui.e T'-h, J. II. Newton, insurMnce aeen', coniiLitted suicide at the B 11a Union hotel, by shooting himself tun-unh the l.c rt with a six shooter, lie arrived by the O izaba, and registered regis-tered as It m St. Louis. He bad b. en diinki-u' beivilj. He will bs buried by tue ikis .iu. A hor e in L ireka, llamboldt County, committed equieide by rcar-m rcar-m j up -r hiah tt.at it f-ll ov-r back-war-', iullict.ng fatal injuries upon i self- M". John Lrwley, of Napa, Buffi-red a tr.ie:ure of th-j neck ot his thigh-l thigh-l (u,o a few davs nco, by leaping from a bu?sy dr-wn by a runaway horse near Calitoga. A. Kalin. on old cifjzen on Mari- roMi Creek, 'was Severely injured, I seile.-ing roccusri. u of the brain, by j his horoe fa liig witii tia the other da;. |