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Show t-& Pec notices headed "Wanted" on lirst paire. Pf.i.ickh s IceCkkam and summer drinks, under the ri't'rehine shade of dverarehiiiL' trees, at the " Union lee Cream Garden." one and a half blocks east of City Hall- adv. If TOl" want a glass of cool lager or ale to please the palate, step into Chris. Kehmke's hour hall, next door to the Merchants Exchange. A "bit ' a glass ! adv Seasonable. ice cream and summer sum-mer drinks at Henry Wallace's, east side East Temple street, Pure home made candies at wholesale cheap, and fancy groceries. adv A . The M ost effectual way to destroy the grasshoppers. Buy your Custom-made Custom-made Boots and Shoes at Dunford & Sons' Mammoth Shoe and liat Store. adv S PARKXING. - C ham pagne on draugh t is as attractive as it is novel in this western country, but those who desire the exhilirating beverage can be supplied sup-plied in this style at the Salt Lake : Billiard Rooms. Cig ARS. For an excellent brand of cigars and the choicest chewing and smoking tobacco, call on Ed. Harris, near the l'ost Office. adv A Scientific Wonder. The Craig Microscope, adapted to popular and scientific use. Read the advertisement. advertise-ment. Price. $2 75. adv Magic Macedonian Oil - cures rheumatism, aches, pains, coughs, colds, cholera morbus, &c.j iike magic For sale at 1:5th ward cooperative store: $4.50 per dozen. adv The reason of the great success that attends Dunford & Sons in the sale of boots, shoes and ha s is, they purchase the bet goods in the market, including the best home-made articles in their line. adv GOOD wholesome Vinegar. Any one can make it. Read the advertisement advertise-ment of V. II. Bishop in this paper. adv Good. Golichtly & Harris, of the Globe, have commenced supplying by wholesale crackers of every der-ertp-tion, properly packed for shipping, pure home made candies and everything every-thing in the bakery line. adv Just toe Thing Vegetables. fruit, poultry, butter and eggs in abundance at M. " ,'hadd's Pioneer Green Grocery, East Temple street. adv joe snmo.xs. Revere House Basement, still keeps his celebrated Saloon well supplied with the best Laser Beer, imported Ale and Porter, Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Golden Crown Cigars, Ci-gars, &c, and requests everybody to give him a call. On ANGES For the largest, best and cheape-t oranges in town, ro to adv G. W. Davis. Just Look! Ten Cream, two pbites for a quarter, of the best make and most delicious flavor; and candies at wholesale and retad, at the Golden Gate. aov The Cratg Microscope This Microscope is simplified and adapted t ' popular as well as s:i'ntifi3 use. A new optical wonder! This is the only instrument that requires no focal adjustment, ad-justment, and therefore can be readily used by every one, even by children. Costing on y two dollars ana seventy-five seventy-five cents, by mail, postpaid, it is with in the reach of all in the community, and should be on the table of every practitioner. Read advertisement in this paper. adv u. c. n. tz. Lake Side! Look out lor t The School Train To leave at S:50 a.m.; return re-turn 6:20 p.m. Every Saturday ! V T EVERY SATURDAY! If. you want to Bathe, Go to Lake Side! If you want to Boat, Go to Lake Side! If you want a dance in the grove, Go to Lake Side! If you want to hear the music freo, Go to Lake Side! If you want to swing, Go to Lake Side! If you want a right good dinner, Take it with you when you Go to Lake Side! Mouctiins of Cakes, Candies and thiDgs, and Oceans of Lemonade. Bathing Dresses, Perambulators and all the modern conveniences to rent cheap At Lake Side! Baggage wagon in attendance to huul bundles, babies and other baggage, bag-gage, free, to the grove, when jou go To Lake Side! II-f a mile to t'.e grove; thrce-(ourths thrce-(ourths of a miie to the Lake, From Lake Side! Scholars from 5 to 13 yeirs, 73 cents. All over 13 years, round trip, $1.00. ' All under 5 years, tree. JOS. A. YOU'G, supt. UTAH CENTRAL EAESOAD! Pioneer Line of Utah.. Trains leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a. m. and 2Ao p. m., arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:43 p. m.; leave Ogden city &t 8 a. m, and 5:30 p. m.; arrive nt Salt Lake city 10 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. In addition to the aVove, an TRAIN WILL BUN, SUNDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, AND SATURDAYS, Leaving Ogden city 5 a m, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on which, full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the sama day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conductor, at any point on the line to take on or let off pissengu's: Passengers will please purchase their tickets at th i offices. Fifty conti additional ad-ditional willj)e charged when tke fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to T). O. CALDER, Ticket and Freight Agent. Jos. A. Young, Snpt. I TIIF. PULLMAN PALACE CAR COMPANY Having completed arrangemeuta vf itU tbo I'ittsSmrjjh, Fort Wayne, anS Chicago Fars-IEaiKlIe KouSe AND PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL 11 A IL, R AI. Tin- PsHmv Iraii lt.ni ..Car ..f II" ' linit'-'l I'ulliimii I';in,'in will In' run 1 li r""ii i. It. :i this T : . 1 1 1 . rruin CHICAGO t,. I'lTTSni'ieill, I'UILAI'LI.l'lllA an.l XKW VOl'.K Williovt Ck'.UI'JiJ ! This is li..- ONLY HOl'Ti: LAST l.v !.!. Ilwniwrniire ilirwliami.?.-' f 1TI.I.MA.VS PALACK CAI1S Hi.- Entire Hlfe fi:.in SAN KRA.NC1SCO t" I'll lLAllLLl'll 1 A, N K'.V YOKK ami Intern:. -iliatf lVilits. TlHtOL'OlI TICK LTS via this GHKAT SlIuliT ItOLTK l.T sal.' at 41." Oalll. a St., S.. n I'lan- ci-.-... .Sa'Taiii.'M.., S..H Lake City, I). i,..t, l'itnli, 1'runi'jiitury, Ch. ycmi., and Omaha. J. N. McCVLIirr.H. lit-m-rol M.'yr. 1'., i t. W. i C. It r. D. S. (' RAY. Vi.-.-I'rr-s't i C n. Ma-ia.vr. 1 :!-1 1 ..11.11- It..U'u. KDWARD II. WILLIAMS, (i i :.. ra! S 'i:-: i 'i'" n'U n; JVlili'.i (. rlilra: ICR. THOMAS L. KIM I! ALL. Orli 1 i--t. rn r..-.. :iL-.T At:. -nt, I'. an'a IVntla It. It. HENRY AY . Ij.'n-.al L.ts-.nfir and Ti.-k.-t Af'i.t. I'. iii. a Ci nlral It. It. F'.r Inf"rmati.'ii and Thr.mh Ti'l..-l', u- AVm. Calder, CaMer Jiro's I!'."k ?!.!.., Ka't T'm 1" flr-t. s?ilt I.Ak'.- (:itv. Tounscinl House, JAMLS TOWNSKND, Proprietor -V rntsT class accommoiiations ec.r THAVKLr.Rf. jPIOWEEBS, (SHOUT ROUTK ciiiCA(;o ax i) x()iTji-vvr.sTi:itiv 11 Ml AY AY, thGrictt &lim-lirst Route I IK I M OMAHA TO CHICAGO A.M. Tllli 13 A T. The V. isteni Kxpress 'e iveg Ouinha daih in connee. i u w i " 1 1 trn i tis ol Ihu Ceti'ri! mi ' 1 l'i i n ( t i f i c r.-iilroudfi, n-ived in V i -igo in Adva'coof i.U other Kru.:- t u i'lMir m: rJiiuections wi h ad .ii'i's 1'i.i t . 'ibis is t!:e mad Ahch runs Iho eclell'lltnj I'ullst'jtu falacc Hotel and Mct'iviuu: 'oaflirs. A new Hi;d splendid li"e o( which h .b r. ci)..tly l.e. n I n i i r, furtliis cmpinv. Tiiese sp'nndid :'..ch-i are u'n-ij uiled t.y any in the world f r I'jcaiicc, Comfort and ( oim rui' iicc. 'I I," Chi' . i;'., ii n.l .N'.rl h-u.'.t. i ii I th.- l'i'.ur liaii '., i h. l ... n I l'i.:ih . and Chi' i.", l.nt boQ ."ini'i.i. I .,, Tlli;i:i: K.n AUK; tin hi'h tini". thi' M.uiuV"!!. I,a.! (.ai.'d nvitbor Ji'ii-ii'.r cvj'.'ii-.' iii I.' t in;: its (..a-ll-pd kij4 I : .. 1; mil ."I'lipl'iin; it villi iI.k of th lii'.-t lii".-ni llii;.i". -11.1,1': tin- l-;wtl.f itli tin, I.,.- "J il. l-jiin i im: sin i;tl.-t lin p., Of!.-:- t.i th- 'I'lav.lin- I'iiI'!,.- a,, tahtiu rotllo INKljLAI.I i:n Hilt t-I'liLIl, CUMniur AMU SAIKIY. lit.f..r. 'hfk-l 1I11..112I1 I', nil i.'.ioO, n:.. mi4 li., rWia hai'.' for tliui-r.-r at Omxlj til Cbi'Mjo Iv jmrli. I....ilig thi'.nli li.:kf. 11. Kiir.j imd n-k l-.r Ti. kwtM via Cliiai,'.. bbK .N'.rth-W. rn itailwar, ',ii' h run l' l.htniDd at bll tlx. .rin. i;..il railMHy aud ni.-aiii hoat office! im Ihe L'ni.-1 Sl.".t-". and of Win. CMr, Ti. kt f-at Mi .j at ( A I.L.KK lll'.OS.' St..re, Fa-t Ttiupl St.," Salt Ij.k- City. K.i any inl'Tiniilii'ii In iTurd 1" Ki I'iRbt.Bfpl J t HARRY ROGERS, NW-irri, J- 1 fjcl ti t Kt. 11. v. y r a n v 1 .inrril 8upt. Qmha. V. |