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Show Latest Mews EY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT. Important Railroad Contrivance. Con-trivance. Red Cloud Half Mad. Singular Suicide. Feeling on the Death of Dickens. Ashbury Blowing OST 6!as. Sec, &.c, &c. GENERAL. . NEW YORK NEWS. New York, 11. A contrivance for filling locomotive tenders with water while at full speed was applied successfully success-fully yesterday on the Hudson Kiver railroad. The tank was sunt between the tracks, tilled with water, from which by the aid of a pipe dropped at the proper time tlie water is forced into the tender. Upward of 1 ,00U gallons were in this wise forced into the tender yesteiday, the engine going at the rate of miles an hour. CHICAGO ITKMS. Chicago, 11. There was a singular suicide last night. John Schewitzer, who mysteriously disappeared from his family in January, last nigut presented Limself to his wife and alter a few words of farewell put a pi.tol to his lead and blew his brains out. tfeveuty live persons from California en route to a Massachusetts shoe factory, fac-tory, passed through here this morning. morn-ing. WASHINGTON INTELLIGENCE. Washington, 11. Red Cloud denies all knowledge of U e Heaty of lt7, and says its all a lie. Copies of it have been given to the ludians for interpretation, and another cabinet will be held. Major Ciaden has arrived on a mission mis-sion troiu the tan rrancco board ul trade, having obtained the co-operation of the Chicago bo.rd, and will be heard on VV edne?day next by the ways and means eouimittee, on ti e subject of imported goods rom New York and oilier ports of entry to Chicago Chi-cago and San Fianeisco in locked cars, under the charge of custom house j ofl'b'ers, tlu dtuies to be paid at their ! destination. I FOREIGN. fAI.T.F. M'.'iVS. Lemdon, 11. Queen Victoria, immediately im-mediately after the intelligence of Dickens' death was communicated at curt, sent a special message of condolence condol-ence to the sorrowing members of the family of the deceased author. The public institutions of the city suspend od business immediately, when they heard the melancholy intelligence. cY commission acting under the provision pro-vision ot coercion act has tried Gearly and JJrady for an attempt at murder iii Raucliff. Both were convicted and have been sentenced: Gearly to penal servitude for life, and Brady for 10 years. 'J wo juries had previously failed to a.ree on the verdict. The frien ds of Ashbury have given a dinner in his honor. Ashbury made a speech, in the course of which he informed in-formed his friends that he had purchased pur-chased sis of the finest cups he could procure, for the contest in American waters, and ho hoped to bring them all back, and also to pass the Sandy Hook light ship ahead of the Dauntless great applause. |