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Show Would Have Her Will. A singular shooting affray occurred recently re-cently at .UcAnhur, Ohio. A local paper s.iys : Miss Sarah M. Sage, connected with one of the first famines in the village, and one of the most beautiful and brilliant young ladies in the community, commu-nity, has been for some time blindly infatuated with a young man by the name of Mack Will, who is also of the best connection and of good talent, but whose habits of intemperance have become of the most fearful character. The lady devoted herself to him, making every effort for his reformation, reforma-tion, but apparently without the slightest success; and, becoming maddened mad-dened by the fruitles.-ness of her effort, concluded to hold the saloon-keepers responsible for her failure. Ou Thursday night, between nine and ten o'clock, she visited the saloou of Patiick O'Keef, with a loaded six-shooter, six-shooter, and, opening the door, fired upon O'Keef, without effect. She then entered the saloon and accused O'Keef, of selling liquor to Will. He denied, aud some altercation ensued, when she shot again, without effect A bystander then grasped her hand and threw it down, and in this position posi-tion she again fired, the ball passing through her shawl and lodging in the thigh of O'Keef, iuflictiug a serious and painful wound. She was then placed outside of the door, aud went away. The next morning morn-ing she was arrested and taken before a Justice, aud discharged on some technicality. On Friday she was re arrested on a warrant from a Justice at ilamden, where she waived an examination examin-ation and was held to answer at Court in the sum of t'500. On the same day, Vt ill and a married sister of Miss Sage appeared at Hamden, and the party proceeded to Jackson, when the belligerent bellig-erent lady and her spirituous lover were safely linked in the silken chain of matrimony. |