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Show The late James T. Brady was very fond of the ready, natural wit of his countrymen. One day, speaking of this to a friend, he said: 'Til just show you a sample. I'll speak to any of these men at work, and you'll see that I will get my answer." Stepping up to the men who were at work on a cellar near by, he spoke to them cheerfully cheer-fully : ''Good day to you, boys; that looks like hard work for you." ' Faix an' it is," was the answer, "or we wouldn't be havin' the doin' of it." Pleased with this he aked the man what part of Ireland he came from. '"Ah," said Brady, on heating the name, "I came from that region myself." my-self." '"Yes," said the man with another an-other blow of Lis pick, "there was many nice people in that place, but I never knew that any of them left it!" |