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Show JU3T RECOGNITION. There is a -.;,.s of pi.T'ons ever .-ig.?r undwniie what has been linii.j fur int:rn;t! development, in L tali, a:il t wn tb-j tiiumpJis aeeoiiipli.-hcd in other pars of the wc-.-t. Examine ir, fir it will !"-;ir examination. Twcn-. Twcn-. ty-lhree y.:ar.s l-o next month, the I'iniiecrs entered this Valiey. They found a country desolate and unin-vitiiiL'. unin-vitiiiL'. They were poor very poor, Im-ti.-y had been stripped and plun-, plun-, ;. i-,j 1 of nearly their all. They were '.'liowed by others of their co-ruiij-'ion-isH as jwor in themselves, and the f:M,.,!;pi,:0 of all for a length of time -,v i. ild he ch'"iued somi starvation ly i:i iny who now cry "hard limes" in 1,'uh. Their wealth coii.i.-t- J ia unm; arms, willing hearts, and an unshaken faith in the providences of the, Almighty. To see what lias been done, travel over the sis hundred ii!f.s north and south, through whuh i he set;!e:i,ents extend. See a eoun try made fertile by toil, by the rivers creeks and streams beiug tin ned from t'i-ir channels to irrigate it, by the application of the real wealth which tiny brought with them and a bless-inu' bless-inu' on their labors. See pretty towns, comfortable habitations, flourishing ianus, factories springincr up, mann-faeturej mann-faeturej growing, coal mines developed, devel-oped, and other evidences of a flour-i flour-i -hint; community, and tlien a.,k what ha-i been done for internal develop-in develop-in -ill, remembering that this material a i i permanent prosperity was created, hi to po-ik, without capital or external a - -i.-tanco. Now go east, west or north, to CY!-ora CY!-ora 1", Nevada or Montana, where heavy capit.nl was invested and every aid extended to rapidly develop their re-ourees, and see the earth scarred and seamed and turned upside down, made poorer by the process afer the ore sought fir was taken from it ; and see most of their wealth in the hands-of hands-of a few. who neither toiled for it nor moistened it with the forehead due of honest labor, while the majority of the men who made them thus rich ate poorer than when their toil commenced. Wo have no, desire to draw invidious comp-ii isons, to underrate what has hern done in the regions named, nor to speak slightingly of mining.but the facts cannot be gainsaid, though they may lie disregarded. Looking at that w hich has been accomplished in Utah, and realizing what could have been accomplished with the same wi.-dom. energy and industry, had they been a-sisted by .apilal, this Territory can to day take the leading rank in industrial indus-trial progress, for there is morn material wealth within her boundary lilies than in any of the others named, with all the as-istance they have received ; and her wealth is more evenly distributed among the people than in any other art ot the West- These statements require no arguments argu-ments to prove them, fur the supporting support-ing evidences are seen on every hand from the north to the extreme south. And this, be it always remembered, among a people that came here poor, many of them having to be assisted to immigrate by others scarcely less poor than themselves. The progress of Utah is indisputable ; her prosperity permanent perma-nent and genuine. We say this clearly and po.-itively, in the face ot all that is said of money being tight. grassho pers, and much talkeJ-of h rd times. |