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Show The Excursion Yesterday. The party by the excursion train to Lake Side yesterday morning had a big time. The train left at a few minutes past 9, and arrived ac Lake Side station, three miles above Farmingfon, at ten minutes min-utes past 10, an hcur from leaving the city. 'I hey were met there1' by a couple of wagons, to haul the"bundles, babies, and other baggage ' to the grove. This is a charming spot, with plenty of large trees, under the shade of which the visitors enjoyed themselves, the dancing floor givinu ample room for those inclined to that exercise, and the swings being kept in healthful oscillating oscillat-ing operation. There is a fine stream of water running through the grove, and the songs of the birds told that nature's music is as swet to the ear as the cultivated strains of the talented instrumentalist, which were also heard, Olsen's band giving excellent excel-lent music. Bathing in the lake, boating boat-ing on its surface, and other means of enjoyment were Ye!l patronized. There are comfortable dressing rooms for the bathers, and other necessary accommodations, accommo-dations, including bathing costumes. The lake is clear at the place and not very salt. Alter dinner there were dancing and swinging and more boat ing. The party left the grove at a quarter to six and met the regular express ex-press down train, an iving in the city at half past seven, having spent a delightful de-lightful day. |