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Show LAST NIGHT'S FLASHES. It is proposed to appropriate 50,000 dollars to pay the expen; es of the re cent Indian visit to Washington. The salaries of chief justices and associates iu the territories are made uniform The English government proposes to take the grievances of the sugar dealers into consideration. The House of Commons had a nice time over a local bill on Thursday. They got warm and ued warm language. lan-guage. Fisk, U. S Consul at Leith, was exnected in Londun in charge of the olEce' s. The Canadian volunteers are invited to shoot with the Ljndon volunteers for a silver cup. Judge Bradley, of New Orleans, says .the slaughter bouse company of that city is one ot the most odious monopolies ever attempted, and the injustice in-justice perpetrated by irresponsible legislatures has become the curse of our country- J. L. Toote, the English comedian, is about to visit America. Ml Lariber is elected provisional srand master of the French Masonic Grand Orient. The death of C harlcs Dickens causes profound sorrow throughout England. He wrote several pages of "Edwin Brood" on Wednesday. 'l he loss of life by the Constantinople fire was 1,000. Mexico is to be held responsible by the Yucatan?, for the seizure of Corosa on the border of Belize. Troops have, left for Beliz The French government renews negotiations ne-gotiations for a new postal treaty with the United States, and accepts Cress-well's Cress-well's conditions of last year. Cen. W. Zeebacu, commissary general gen-eral of subsistence on Gov. Huffman's staff, died at Mew York, on Friday, of heart disease. Bismarck is ordered to England, by his physicians; his health is delicate. The Italian government has recalled its ambassador from Lisbon to investigate investi-gate charges brought against him in Portugal. The Greek brigand chiefs have escaped es-caped to Tut key. The proposed reorganization of the Atlantic and Great Western railway litis been assented to by the English stockholders. No arrangements had been made yesterday for the funeral of Charles Dickens. The U. S frigate Franklin was at Lisbon yesterday. The successful removal of the obstructions ob-structions in the Suez Canal, near Lake Timsali, was announced yesterday. |