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Show TO THE WOOL GROWERS OK UTAH. , I will receive WOOL In xchange for elf th and yam at the Deseret Woolen Mlls Mon'hof Kanjon Cteek, alt Lake Couuty, JlKUYGOtf YOR WOOL Cummins. SALT SALT ! SALT ! Tine Ta ble, Dairy & Coarse SALT Made and sold by BOYD & WHITWORTH, 19th Ward, Salt Lake City- WILLIAM SHIRKS Wholesale and Retul Dealer in every description of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c., &c, Ac Orders from a distance promptly attended to One door South of Colder Bros. East Tempi 'e St, Salt Lake City. The Anrrlcan Tract Society have appointed CALDE1C BKOS. in ar-uis for the silt of the be't andchtape?t Books, ards, Rewards, Gifts, &c, 6i.c, nrSobbatl Sebools and Families ever offered in this market. Gall and exaininn qnalitv, ptvls and prirr-. TREDBRIC E. SHEAKER, TJietrict Secretary. ICE, ICE, ICE! SALT LAKE ICE COMPANY, Established Jan. 1, lo60. tc dehTerrd daily in all parts if the city, m any quantity and at rate to ait the times. A constant supply guaranteed. J. 11. CLAWSOX, Agent. PI7t at Clawson's Ice Cream Saloon, Ftnt Sonth t., whre tbere is always a mpply ol Icr Cream, Strawberries, Hummer Drinks, Cakes, and Candies of the best finality at the lowest rated CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importers and Jobbers of eery variety ef Foreign WINES & LIQUORS 311 Clay st., San Francisco, Cal. Cole Agntn of hafMl tdar R'lii'' nod Moore's "C. A 8." pure Bonrbon V hi-kie. Oeneral Dealers in all the Tenons bran.lN of Rye and Bonrbon Whi-kie, Native Wms and Brand;, Alcohol, in Wood or Tin. Bay Rum in wood or fr'a.. Particular attention paid to fillinsr Druggist' order for medicinal purpose. e. ji. it oss, Map Publisher, Wboleaal. anl Krtall Dealer in Oval, Runic and Fancy Frarn;8, En-gravinen, En-gravinen, Li:hnraphH, Photographs, Photo-graphs, Chromos, Album, Al-bum, Pocket Maps and Chart-. v". 313 Lh&wI Win, St. L'm'ti, Mo. rVik ami Stationary r, Arit and fjau M-r anpphtMl at Ilia Inwi-nt rutf.n. fVnd for 6f'.rtiii rirculwu. I)r. W. II. OiUOVES, HTJRCJKOTsT MECHANICAL DENTIST. T'th fflM with y, wnrranf'l not to irli'i Kor t-n or lwJ v j nr . tki;ti I f l,a,i oil dif tj . fJ if (if. pt f ,ui n i l.ut. fi rni a if,f!i! l-.oth In f-ti pri- ruim;- ti',m v40TO$200 ff " Pti.Iwt.ii v..m..,l. 1 II . ..... OFFICE On 2d South (it reef, .'; doom vent of JUvero ffouce, Hulf. Lake City. wwawigiwiiiwiiiaiw ipi n wn'ii'ii ai 1 1 ai'lll I iiiiiilin II mam I TnmrMTTT" aion'suooperauve Mercantile Institution TO C.TY AND COUNTRY Aim! the Trade generally. Wholesale Dry Goods! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (UpStaiis.) In this Pepirtment will itlways be found the choicest brands ofAmerican and English Flints, Lawns, Organdies, Percales and Press Goods, Ginghams, Cnamhays, BrilLiantes, &c , sheetings, bleached and brown, of the most approved makes. Hosiery. uUmis, &e . &c. Also, a heavy stock ol' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoe Findings complete. Retail DRY GOODS Department, liable lilBsspofi-iiaiss, (Ground Floor.) This Department is constantly receiving, by express and regular freight, such additions to its already laree and varied stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions Trimmings, Libbons, &e , foreign and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necess ty. Much of our stock is purchased exclusively for this room, aDd is offered at prices uniformly low. We would call the Especial attention of the Ladies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties ol Shawls, Sacquts. Perfumed Handle PaTasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Flowers, &c. We have just rueeived a line addition of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Mats, Martina:, Window and Table Damasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. Our especial feature The Ladies and Misses Shoes, which cannot be excelled for variety and price. J list Arrived Window Confees, new ;md unique. (D IL IT M E W (S. Three doors oulEi of Jiiirle Iisiporiuiu, SPRING CLEAifiG AMD FURNISHING. This Department has a tine a-.-'Htiiient of CAR PETS. OILCLOTHS, DOOK MATS, AND WALL PAPKU, including Ljw, Medium and High grades, with Borders to match. A liist ciass paper-hanger always on hand. Just introduced a great variety ol ll 'me made Trunki-, t which public attention is invited AI.o just ai rived, a lull stock of Bents'. Xio.ys' :iis3 Youth's uBi23ier (Clothing, From fine French Ca.-.-iinere to Linen, at low prices. II. B. Clawsou, Supt. i.osi52:n roi? thi: hilmoxt Ft.-di Lumber better and ch.aper than any imported. So WIDLILHAIIS & CO., Are pre arcd to furnish the inhabitants fit' Salt Lake Oitv and vicinity with a first class article of Lumber, cheaper than ever before offered to the public. Having a la: ce supply of every kind on band, and our mill running in tho best prove of timber in Utah, wc wi;l fui ni. li Lumber, at the following rates at the U. C. IS. IS. Depot: All kinds of Plank, Scantling, Joist, Flooring, Beam.-, Uaftcrs, Inch Lumber and Shieling, at .'!? 50 per thou-and. First class Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at $ 1U jO per thousand. Parties requiring a bill for building will do well to give us a call, as wo will furnish a general bill of lumber cheaper than any other house in the line. A Lb KI.MS OF PAY TAKi: AT MAltlvLT HATES, Eggs, Butter, Flour, or oilier productions of the farm. Also, Stock of any kind, Sheep, Cows, Work Cattle, Wagons, etc. Store pay at cash rates, or even cusii itself not refused. $nii;i,s:s C53i:.vri:u tii.w i:vi:k. 1 On good si curily we will also pive lime on part payment for large orders. We shall open a lumber yard in Salt Lake City in n few days. All communications' to be addic sed lor the present to .Honhua William .V Co. Weber Station, U- V. 11. K. , SHAMS ! SHAKEitS i SHAKERS ! --- Yrj (T 'p-.Ti n Alm Wv. IV U. Li. RETAIL BUY GOODS DEPARTMENT, V e n re i 1 in;' till A L'jsn Ifl W i M. B!. (JiAWSOIV', Supt. WIMWIflWSWW"'' fSBMMIMnwM d. o. cm.pkr, m. ai r.nen, oeohoe a.lscs Csaldor j2rotlaor. Salt Laikk Cm, .Uooksellei'?, stationers, Awl Dealers in Musical Merchandise and Fancy (ioofls. MtrT1a neons Bikn, Uf I'ublic, 1'nvate aud gnndny School Libraries ; School fiookn, Map-,, Globes, CharM, and all other article netl ir nrliool.f. A complete a.Htwrtment of Binnk Book. Writing Puper, Pocket Cutlery, and Stationaiv. Albnmn, Pocket Book.4, Kngraviiifp and Cromon. A full Btork of Wumra! Inntrutnpiitn and Mimical Merchandise. General Apent for nil of th bont piano and orirao TManufncturers, and for tiie puM inherit of nibsnrijitinn boikn. A Larfce Anrrtinen1 t 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZES Just ItoceiTeii. ? ? f II P M ? IMPORTANT To every LOVER OF NATURE ! THE CELEBRATED PATENT CRAIG MICROSCOPE. During the. past Six Years it worth has hern testified to by thousands of Scientific Men, School Teachers, Stu dents. Physicians and others. Simplified and Adopted to Popular as wdl as Scientific use it is an Optical Wonder. Its Al&gnifyinrj power is TEN THOUSAND TIMES ! Combining endless instruction v.ith amusement ; A Beautiful Gift, and one tl(3.t never loses its interest, reveals the unseen tconders of creation, Eel in Vinegar Animals in water, Cheese Mi'ts, Sugar and Itch Instets, Milk Globtihs, Adulterations in Food and Drugs. Aha tiie Trichina Spiralis or Pork irnnns. A very beautiful and ornamental Instrument, should be on the table of every Family, Physician, Scientific Man, Student and School. An I nseen Kingdom i pened to the eye by this Instrument No lover of the beautiful should be without it. Every Instrument is pal up in a neat box, with full directions for using 1 it, carefully pasted on the cover, Thousands have been sent by mail, j and tiie proprietor guarantee.!! a sate transit to each instrument. We are rending them eveiy day. Price by mail, postage prepaid, J-.7o, or with two Mounted Objects, $.X(X. Address, I K. 11. liO.-S, j .'il ! Locust ueet Su Jxmis, Mo. i it v i x; nous e.. Furopn Dan. A I irst Class Hotel. I-.rMir.n uniurpafc-M, liiic nnr I'oion aquare S allark thalr, and A T ?ie art't new up town tore. ItrcadwaT and Twcinb fit. New York. G. P. HARLOW, Prop. ST. ( LAIR HOTEL, Or. Thir.l and Mai act tircft., FT. L0l"IP, MO TERMS 82 PER DAY. !Imi furnihfd with U. lit prlng bedi. rioii ff-ntrntly bv-lfd. Pti f.r all train. Gental R. H. and StrmNit tirki-t office in the lion. J. CIIESLEY, Propr. rty"ppia met and Conquered. Pain ha it np. It Hidb ntri the tval ol itKnat and ita ti-tnra, ti-tnra, f tin lorality, proj;re-n ami intensity e-f a piiinlrr were not nunilr-Mrd by tb torture it oo ralori, the Tirtim wotilel . mirpriid by riVath (efore ho wa-i rnimrimiH of d.injiT. The IndiMcrib-ftbli IndiMcrib-ftbli tortmea which arcompnn y Pvifpua, preclude pre-clude nil do ii I t M to the rluitncti-r ( the malady. Combiit the rnetny pnnnptly with Tnitl?T'B KFKRvrhrrVT fn.Tzra ArtKO.T. Thi plca..nl iet(ic meetii the di'ftje it all point in the vrnkened U't m h, tlin torpid Iher, the rxmiH patrd IxiyeU.t lie elmttcird ncrTfiand br r-nlorlhjja r-nlorlhjja U tluiH )rmnit o their natural condition fTfcj vli:W me. Sold by nil Druggist. Fanner' "Wives ! IJnr to Make Good Strong Vinegar! IN ONE DAY, j Krom Clrirr, Nurglium, iMlHf, rHtiKr, Wlnr or tiie Jnlff of anjr KriiM. Direct iona nliupla and aiy. CohI not onr-liuir that of the old piofrii f lloivltr C'ltlrr to lour In hnrrrlt. Any our tun iunU it lull ltre llnitMriK oilrrtpt of Fifty rmtm, Altlrrai W. II. Hiliop, St. Tioiiin, Mo , y-" Pioneer Line of Utah. Tire One One Trains leave Salt Lake City daily at ; a. m. and 2:40 , , arrive at Ogdeu 7 a m. and 4:45 p. m.; leave Ogdcn city a; 8 a. in. and 5:30 p. nr.; arriva at Salt Lake city Sal 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. . Iti addition to the above, an ACCOffllODATSOI TRA' 1! WILL RUN, Wednesdays & Saturda Leaving Ogden city 5 am, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on wh! full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return oa the si day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conduct at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers'- e. Passengers will p.ease purchase their tickets at the ofScee. Fifty c-.. . ditional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. k For aH information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to D. O. CA-XiDER, Ticket and Freight Agent. o Jos. A. Young, Suut, READ ! READ ! REAJJ; Zion's Co-op er atfoe Mercantile Inst'n ELDREDGE CLAW5(A RUILDLXiS. Groceries, Hardware c: e AT RETAIL! This Pepaitment is supplied with an immense Stock of Staple Sc Fancy Groceries, Haxdw : - Tool.-, Agricultural Jmpl'meitts, Qutcrtftcare, Gfafmart, Tinu Stovis, Reapers, Mowers, lione and Sulky Rabst, And Other Machinery. Our assortment includes a lare variety of articles not geuen.lly : ' stores, hence wo are induced to offer them at retail to meet a public which has been heretofore unfilled. We shall continue to supply the e! '. trade at our usual low prices, and an inspection of our stock cam v- ' satisfy the closest wholesale or retail buyer that it will be to their i. -make their purchases at the '' Grocery Department, Z. 0. M. I." JI. B. CLAWSOX, THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PA:: - Embracing over A IIUNDKED PIFFKKKNT SU.APES, prfpareu immediate application and requiring no miii'.ij;, just received and for sjiIo at the DRUG DEPARTM'E : z. c. m. i. The ingredients id' these Paint utv simple uml iudestructilJc. 11 w tics with wliich they recommend themselves are: tTieapncs. dural li i'.y, i; rioiily of color, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, less lal Kr iv'l ' in laying, no trouble of mixing, wid stand tiro or rain, and does .not petd oil with ntmospherio chauges, nor chalk oil by friction- T bey n' ' bcht, cheapest, most durablo and most popular Paints in u The AVKKILL W111TK PAINT is a LNC PALNT ,xti i;'"5 r uad, and is of tspial Mipotiority and popularity. I!IUN(i ALOMi YOUli PAINT I'ANS OPKN AM'1 '.privCl'' 15 V Till: (1ALL0N. A full line of I'orciBi, Domestic and Case f.iiill1 At tho Inig lVp&rtuiont, '.. V. M. I. II. ?. CLAWNO A, Mipi i i |