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Show WAITED. Adv!rtitw-mpnts uodr this hend. occupying not rajro than f.ur lint-, FIFTY CENTS eacii" iu-sertiou. iu-sertiou. WANTED A Pituation :i clerk or book-keeper. Address J. T., Jierald Oftee. WANTED Work, by a iteady. actire young man, accnsTmGd to gordeninfc. Ap-pl Ap-pl at the Herald office. TO RENT tn-roome honte. on the eart wide ul the Sth Ward square. Can b let partly furnished. Apply to J&s. Robbins,on tha premises. ri;sim:ss cards. DRS,J, M. &, Fi D. BENEDICT SUEGEONS AND PRACTISING PHYSICIANS. Office at the Co-operative Drug Store. FIR ST NATION A L I3ANK OE UTAH. Salt Luke City, Utah Tor. V. F. Anderson 31. D., Surgeon and Pbysinian. Office at Roeidenca, in the Thirteenth 'Ward. Z. SNOW. E. D. HOGE. SXOW 4t IIOGE, Attorneys and Counselors at law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office 'at Snow's corner, lstKaftSt. SRASS CAHON COAL CO. We are now prepared to furnish Better Coal at Cheaper Rates Than any other minos in the country. for sale at the U. C. R. K. depot, in thU city, for caah or grain. Arpr to N. DAVIS, at the depot. JOSEPH A. YOUNti. H. DIN WO ODE Y, FURNITURE DEALER And UPIIOLSTEKER. All kinds of IMPORTED FDRNITURE Oonstantly on handat the Salesroom. ' EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE, At the Factory and Salesroom, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City. COFFINS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL Alwaya in Stock. Manufacturer and General Dealer in vim: yiregai:, Fine and Coarse Suit, POTTERY, WILLOW-WARE, MOLASSES, Etc, Etc, ld.no Nort.Bevrr Home Corner. 30,000 SlitiiRli-i.. 30,000 I.ath. 8,000 fl Lnmber, aOO Cedar Fostn, WOOD WD VO.Kl. FOlt PAI.K. Will take anything in exo'oanfe that I think a pcrconcme can be real.?- d on. Second hand Wacor... thains..v.un. Rcvohers. and products ol l-" t.irm aud taotoric. for 5.ilc, Three drsusut. Ftve Acre. band, in Brighton r ard. STOh.-llf xii, a 23 CrS. Ld. in yranki.n. Cache Valley. in..v w tvEH. Diosma Crenata-Bnehn Leaves. lnis-Their odor Is srroi! diiiRe, febd somewhat aroac, tbtir tare biTrerik. and aD.l-ogons aD.l-ogons to KiT.r MtmcAt PxPEsms and TJsiii Euchu leTp? ai e gectly stimulant, with a poaliir tendene t to the trinarr Orcnns. They are gircn in romplaint o the frinar Organs, ench a Gra-Yel, Chrcnie Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritatioa of the Blancr and Urethra, Tiseaae of the Prostate Gland, and Ret-n tion or Incontinenca of frine, from a loss of tun in the parts concerned in ita eracuation. The rem. edy haa also been recommended tn Drppt'psia, Chronic Rheiimftt.pm, Cntaneoun Affections n 1 Dropr. Hclmbold a EXTRACT Beciru is nued by person from the agvi o IS to 2b, and from Zb to 5, or the decltoe or change of lite ; after Confinement Lalrfr Pains ; Eed-Wetting in childreu. In affections peculiar to frmaleii, the Extract Bn-chu Bn-chu iti nnequaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro-sip, Chloro-sip, or Retentitm, Iirfgiilarity, Painfulne4 or Snj prohniuu of customary Tocuatioue, Ulcerated ?c)itrrouriiitnte of the nternN, Leicorrh(vior Whiter. ItithASta o the Bladder, Kidneys, OraveJ Dropicl Swelliugr. Tbi naedicina incre-?eH power of Digestion, and excites tlie al"orb.nt beulthy action, by which th., watery or cnlcnro dtrs'iitict t,a4a wiEitT.T a iilarp-fnejiuaiir-duccd, as w ell ap pniu or inflammation. Tl n.MnoLD'8 Extract Bttnu ha enred every of Diabetes in which it ha been given. Irri tt i -n of the !?eck of IHndder, and Inflnjnmati"n of thu Kidneys, t"lcrrnti'n uf the Kidaoja Bladder, Retention of Urin, DiTiiKfS of tli Prostate Pros-tate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Ctilctilun, avel Prick-Duett Df-f'-it, aod Mnciii or mill- y d i"rhnrp-H, and for enfeebled and delirnie cnntitnti"nf, of toth fr-xas, attended with the fnlluvirg Bympt'ims lndi.pfiti"n tn (.rerri'.n, I-r- of pnwrr, Lo- ot Mrmi-ry, Iifb'-tilty of BieaUiin;, TSeak Npit.s, Tremblinc, Horror of liHie, 'Wrik',fiiln',")1 I)iro re-s of Tibiou, Pain in thw Ba'k, U"t Han la. Fluhhineof th r"dy, Dryii- ri te rkin, Krup-tion Krup-tion on the F-, Pallid Ciint,nn''', fnivrT-a Laitle of the mn-' ilr "I'm, A' . TIkLMH'iLn'( KlTRA'.T Hffnt iti I: n ri ic au'l h,--r punfyin, aiid nr all anir r fr m )-h' t nf dicipt'if'n. II li-MWJLIi I flTEAtT Bi ( bv it a Wj ', i r ir dy ft'T ti eib r til tsns: frmn tti f AikhI tr, lufh i n. lib ly di't'i! ut' 1 Ui th- l eiijo.B aJnj'l jrwin ia l.n rK ''t- U rl bkfni fCvt, h-r al Art firm ul dreri nlirf l..- t.iur. Pr, f. 2!' I-J- Un, t iktt.ttl.' ir '. I".. :i t aJ.J -mm. !,' :oaaa u al c ,ix4ii A.-a H 7. )ilt:.KnOLIj,.V-4 tra,w, .S . r iii.M ik.Mi cUi t-;. .ii t;ft4 wrkj;r, w'.'h fM-na vf n y CLKiJaa Museul j AM' 8 MENAGERIE. Ha'.t a lilocU t i ol I'nt. Young's resi'.W'iice. I JOHN W. VOCMi, l'.q.. Prop. li te e-t c i. m of -ATIVt: IIKASTS. tllllDS A A I) u v.v n l.Ks, Wttht'iiiicv, liiar. Fo, -Motu-.tai.j Dt cv, ! yii, il.! (sats, ,Sli", The ihimiuuth) Skeleton ! Ami oilier roil. G HAND Panorama! Ol' the principal cities of the woi Id. 1 1IH H!a p p y Fa m'i 1 y, luipuri.iut collccticn ot f:itivc S i n v I Open every day, except iSnnday, from ;a. Kit. to p. in. Adtiiissiitu .") cts. C liil.Ii t ii. K) Families and N-h.iols lialf tlie umiiiI juice on t-amriliiys. or by private an aii'MUnenl . reeding Time, It . in. Kt'.-p. r, - - Siuii""' 0. l. 1' - im-n.. Arte i, - M..IL. J. A. I i-r..U l. ... lui. .1.1.. 11 MW'OOT, .....iri. ,lln' of I liv Wit v I IN I'KAtlC PIIKPAMK Mll WAHI fift y.tir fi n n. 1 ' t.l. HuIU'tr. I. t. ) i' h- ILK Til' lil', ' ' I ' v c t v I b 1 1 U t. wh fli iy fuf (lcl( i' ur in' r- port. AUo, 6h Idli-. l'rid!.-. Uhi., I'Ur., ,U., t"T Dicii k ot ri IttiK, 1r"tn JAMKN IIAI.I I',, F urn f-f the I) iu f u n , -,m 1 cm pie f 1 1 et . k;d:: not si:, Main Strrt, Oudeii, Ut.th. 'I VII, tMTi.nl )) l,SMt.L. I r. ri.ll) Vh'fii N ri fin ri ih'., it, .in,, l,itil l)i ,nti,l "I-I I i '.'-I-. It.. t I'. I 1 l . 'Il lain 1 I. I i r , I t if fit '4 ! ,i 'if . ri I m I'. i 1 t , y th . i ,- 1 1. .j t '. t - u ' -i . i e "nn'i'.'M .( t tin -l.rH''l I '.' '(').( t(il., f .l.'f lOltll :r'hl.4 too in.. - tin. A I.h- t II .'in I ii rl (,..-,, ( 1 1 I . i h. . x j.. t . ft t.. I.. I. ff of ' ' i I ' I ;b J Ii- II (." i ft Ii i it m-i t i i JOilN MAItON. Wui. II. i--r, II. JiMn-iI;-.-, I. S. Ilucut r, niiliriUc u ( o., n A N K r H 5. Ka-T T I :)!. F. S7., Saj.7 Lk V. V. '!7'V, G-.'.J I'uM. Ci.'.ri. J.Ti-l.i.r.,-.-, I,i, i iirai if, l.ie Coliie' ti'.t.h ii.i'ie in i j,i ii j tly r:- l:itt. 'I CORRX.SPOZVDENTS: - ' - N- w Y !. . I'.ani. ', ('..,;! n.ii, J ,ii - i, 1 it ; i,i,.-.i.ul l.l-.i.k, .' bii-m-,,, f.x 't.ar;--; l- i.L. Kt. l.,n , 1 i r -1 .N a'.iunui li.,i.l., Oiimha. J. S. M'ir(.'kj iV Co , l,iid,.ik. |