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Show District Court. More than usual interest attaches to the sitting of the approaching term of the District Court of this district which we believe convenes con-venes on Monday next. The advent of a new Chief Justice in the person of the Hon. J. B. McKeaD. and the important im-portant issues which will be brought before him, in the decision of which the whole community are deeply concerned con-cerned make up this unusual interest. The Chief Justice was preceded here by a fine reputation as a gentleman and a well read lawyer. These are the qualification requisite for a Judge in LTtah as well as other places. We have had enough of prejudiced adventurers, adven-turers, men without brains or character, charac-ter, whs had everything to gain and nothing to iose. "We hope for a change, and all we ask is that the law may be honored, and fairly administered without with-out fear or favor to all persons alike. |