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Show I? KEF CATTLE. Sixteen ear load- nf Texa- cattle went east yesterday o . the Kok lslan'1 road, and to-day the Northwestern vviu "'haul" eighteen more cars full. The demand seems to exceed the supply. Omaha Herald, Srjt, n, The publication of the above sentence should be sufficient to answer ; still, we append some comments Westward as well as eastward have eattle gone from Texas during the past summer : thousands have passed through Utah to Nevada and California. Individually Individu-ally and editorially we have urged upon ihe people of this Territory the necessity neces-sity of increasing their stock of cattle. With ranges which might feed millions of beeves, Utah should be able to supply sup-ply the market on either side of her. She has had twenty-three years in which to increase her srock. The people peo-ple of the Territory have not devoted their time to the exploration of the mineral wealth of the Territory, but to its horticultural and agricultural wealth, which always is or ought to be accompanied accom-panied by an increase of stock. Yit how are we to-day ? No better answer an-swer could be given than in the fact. Texas sends cattle west, hundreds, thousands of them, when there should be an abundance here to meet every demand. We are not finding fault with any person, nor with the people of the Territory ; but the facts are painfully apparent. Six or seven years ago the Territory could send four to five thousand cattle to Missouri river to help the immigrants across the plains, and yet have enough to do all the work required here. How is it to-day? Could it be done now? It would be very gratifying if some person could answer iu the affirmative. But three or four years ago there was a demand for cattle in Calilbrnia. Cattle speculators traveled through the Territory and bought eve.rtj thing yoany they could get. One and two-year-old steers did not bring a high price, but they were in demand and they were bought up, and paid for iu greatc.-t part, with a very inferior quality of goods. The position of the Territory to-dav, is such that it becomes an im-perative im-perative duty to save ail the young stock possible, and make our ranges " profitable by supplying the demand fur beef cattle east and we.-t of us. We leave the matter for the earnest consideration con-sideration of our stock-raisers and the people of the Territory generally. |