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Show LAST MIGHT'S FLASHES. The deatii of (ieneial l ailiey is denied. McMahon lies, dead at Namur in Belgium. Ihe Pru-sians aie advancing on Paris by forced marches. The depo-its in the bank of France are said to have hcen removed. Uprisings are reported in Italy, aud a great war is believed imminent. Victor Hugo and Cernuchu have returned to Paris. Hugo received an ovation. Sedan is now held by the Prussian Princes. The French prisoners there number 00,001'. The Prussian papers continue their a-.-aulu on England's intentions and what they call Engli.-h neutrality. The London Timet says tho war crisis may be postponed for several months, but sullen submission will be the end. A dispatch sa that President , Grant has instructed the Secretary of . State to i.sr.ue a proclamation recog-' recog-' ni.ing the new -French Republic. |