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Show ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. In pnrbuiinrrfc of nn nnli-r i-u-,fi from thn I'rfj'itc Court ol hn.lt Lako County, wo, Ihn urj'lTfljfjnrii, A'lmin i-tniior of the citi'to of JOHN M . WOOLKV, hila of Knit Lakn Cuuijty, 'l' --Mnr'j, will -i nt, i-uhho ahIo. on T In- I 4t li tiny tit h ( r iu 1m r Mint, It':' w ;;ll HiC li oij i 1 0 u li I 1 a . irt . it f r n 'v I ilny, .it tli" ("jiiOi fro-it ilotpr of thfl J u r t Mou-a i r j H.ilt. Lnkf (Jity, Of nf nlhorwinr fli-j.o-"'l nil iliij i-iLjn riy litiluiiffiuir (" "ii id '.' t at i', i I uii I in I.ITII.K (OIONVVOOI) ( AWON .-.Ml iiiiii.,, f-ii'iftn of 'I' u n l.tnnht r i 1 1 m. Him- ln I K mill i t u I j , 1 1 - i u i v 1 1 1' 1 1 1 i I I, i ri'iiii 1 1 ltd 'in if-i if-i ri-;. t 'if " : h v. 1 1 1 1 i ll t hn ;t;i (it iiml i i vi -It ". lt- ) lie i hi' i ill u i ;i 1 1 i a Out n I'm eill'l fit mm - .-t,ntl pi'.),, rty ssill l.r t in ixrl or in wiioli- mi i -h;i . 1'. . f r l- r j.n in r li- vr 1 1 ll-r r Td iJm .i iv o (mWi-r, IH7". , I I i ID :ri l ll n.ll l'i ,..J li 11 I'I'Iy to it,,, mi'l.'f i . 1 1 ' 1 1 Ami. hiii .Hat',,,-, li ll)" Hill W Ci, -.,,, i .1 i c l-.i , i,i i.l. (Hfu No. 2, Citv H..II. i nun i. wooi.ky, ISA A 4. !!(, A ij n in otkrutdTCi Rk hU City, AuiiW ''Mi, lu.ti. SALT LAKE j HERALD. ! i A j7tr Meriting fiHrKjta-prr, rntloi,i'1 txpry ramming svrpt M',s!h. It contains the latest 1 ehfraphic Dt'.ifatchf.i, Neics by Mai, Editorials on Cvrrcni Topics, Spicy Locals, Inrtrutitinty Corrt.yondtrtce, , Agricultural Information, Horticultural forms, Selected Readingt, Foreign, Comii frrifiK and, Mining IntefliqrntA, Being a couplet Compendium of Current History. tfkms: 1 Ifr. JS.1n Monti,., : : t 3 Mr,ntl,, : : i'O t Stoull), : ; lWV-k. -J, BATHS! WARM SPRING BATHS ! Th-'l"fciiii4 bth ti p1" n I1 pwhlh- t fl an. Thir ir'li'inl prorrtl T p.i wwiJir kffwii ihsl it U nHI PoaHkc b pr-fmM' Rath, I h' tarp-n'l han't ! It I L IT N CJ : XI A T IT H FT ii'l fiatln mr nw pn. II. A RKOLI). Tho Pullman Palace Gar Company Hutinc cmj1flM rraBginnti with th Fill slurli, Foi't Wsiyno, and Chicago RAILWAY ii-1I;iiiIIc Hontc AND PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R A I LUG A I). Tli l'nU' Irwih( Hn,iti Cum ,.f !) tint,il Piillmian I'attrrn will hit run thrrtHyh. Una l(..nl, lrni CIIICAUI) l 1'ITl HI' HQ I'll I I.A DKI.I-ll I A unit SY.W YOKK With, lit 'limit,- .' Tin. i U. IIM.V ll'H IK KST I.T wlilrh Vwfurt m th n'hnnUia of lTl.I.MAN'H l-A I, A i I. I'lll.l II." I.nllri. .Ii.Iuim.i Ir.nn HAN r.llN('ISC il t , I'llII.Mir.l.I'MIA, nkw vom uii'l I uti in' -ll-it v I',.. n 1 1. 'l'IIHOI.'ill 1 ICKf.TM vi Ihii rilKAT (II(IRT lllil I K fur nl 4 li'i liiililoniln HI., Hun fr.n. rintn, Hiirrnoicnl n, Hull I.nkn ( llv, IlrnT.-r, l'lnlnii, I'ri'in'iiilorT, rlii )vliu, iiml fii.iMlm. .1. N. M'l.'l I.I.Ol illl, (lr.u,l Miiin,, r. I'., I-1. W. A l H't. li. H. II II A , .ml I, , l'i, . I A l,i li. Miu,,.i, I'm, MnnMU K-.tiln. KIlWAIIII II. 1 1.1,1 AM 4, li.uial H ii , r i nj n-It- .i I , I'lMin'.i (Vnlial 11.11. TIIOMAH I.. K M I n A I . I . . Uriy'i Ti-nlnin rn,.i,.'iii;i.r Ai'.,uil. r.'iin n l i nlml K. R. IIKMIV W le.iii-rul I'll" .li P"r mill 'I n Iti'l AHnl, -f-nn a C.nlial K. ft. K,ir Infit inl h.ii ai.il ThrniKll 'lUliali, l.p- Win. Calilcr, Val4.-r Hi" " """li H'"'". r Uart 'l.i. -l-. .-,r.,,. V.I! I.atu I ) H SEMI-WEEKLY fS eralJJ Salt I,.iKc City. annoin-d thut a weekly Hit Km would b lirod fw noon as the maUrinl for it an-ired. fiioo tht time a earfnl chiitm of our pont&l fuciUtiAi totmIi the fart that by far the larger portion of the Territory Terri-tory ha at leaflt a ai-w4kly mail, tnot plfcoet lain2 inpplied tri-wkly or daily. A mwi it V-ttter fresh thai stale, and ft eTerytdy (Uiirea U know aa eariy an rosfrible what it gotm o Hie world orar, w baxe nd4 tkat a kjemi- Weekly HorSjldl woaW bWrr aat tiw diMnuda and nfurmitl of thfl people of rt rnt,oij an a weekly paper. TV aTrmmin w ham reeved tirtm'Jtfn-tug tirtm'Jtfn-tug tke tsrwt noihr f the Salt Lake Daily Herald Flartn l49n Kntck iwatar tkan we ha4 mry rwon to exj-wt, we hT 6rt4vl to prrWiih a SEffl-VEEEY EDITIONS', Tliaf anTl mwi the wnaaei whiete fV litmid ku myrmMj pa4, whiM wVl jtii H M a F"w iheit rrry arn wtr) V4t n rln hTa'm The Salt I.nKe nvi-Yph.ly HERALD fc- a Urrr ahv-v-t thao the Illy Htlc an4 4i4ta rrrrmbr wrfl niB rn?m 22 TO 25 COL.UMIVS ff the nitl twrrMFly seleted and (ieM Reading Matter. Tales, Toctiy, Telfgraphio RfportP, lxr Kew.i, unci Editorials on Topics of Intcrf it, Making ft na'Wt dMiiaKU fttafyy jnnraaal and n th.n1ir. raom-4 f iHrmint hlamry. una prwyaM tAfiaiaA. aMhfl-'Hi it InT Ih Salt l.nkr 5r ml-WeeBily JIS 11-3 flU AIL BD 5l t .. iHw4tik nir'nvr4lwl5 t.w aJal fTff4 T rn mlfaii . I rupy, one juar, $ A 00 1 rnp.v, nix month, " M 1 copy, thicii mnnt.hN 1 111 (vipicH, onn yenr, . -'ft W ID oiipicH, aix month.i, IS W HI (Kipicm, thrte nvonth, 9 "0 DUNBAR & SLOAN, Full, Luke. nmfd OtfioA. T. & W. TAyEor' Have on han1 a full nupply ot DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IIAT Boots & Shoes, Etc., Which they are determined to sell lower th an "t vegans l;;n Vlti ; , Tei-ritory. CALL AND SEE, AT THEIR STORE, EAST TEMPLE f SAGLS'.HOUSI' HOME MANUFACTDRED B1T AM SHOB As complete an assortment as can be found in the Territory i ia i, to whieh we have every variety of Imported Manufacture to complete We have also added to the above branch of bufiineus, a jreneral a-r ID)ry Goods, Groceries, Crocltery, Glassware, Hardware, Ha: Clothing, Sec, Which we will guarantee at prices that will give satisfaction. y Farmerg and Families an be supplied with advantage to themy-n OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE. TEASDEL &CD: I PIONEER STEAM WOOD YORKING COMPA W. II. Folsom, Thos. LaIH Geo. Komnet, H. Imn FOLSOBI, ROINEY & 01 (Sottth Temple Sheet, one block we?t of the Tabernacle,) j Having added t their already extensive stock of Machinery, are lion to furnish all articles in their line, a first class article, at greatly rednw:.-from rednw:.-from the best lumber produced in our own mountain home. We hare a complete set f abh and Door Machinery, hf wkich i fill lare er nall orderf with prat dispatch. SASH ANm B&m We jiuhli-ih u list of sizes of Doors aud Windows which are aiwsy; t hand. Lip or cheek rail hash and all kinds and si?e of doors made to ok Sash Size. Poor Sices. fxI0 window.,, 2 ft 4 in x o ft 9i iu 2 ft g in by 10x12 " 2 lOi x4 ij 2 S ' i 10x14 " 2 10 x.S 2 2 1" " 10x16 " 2 K'j xh 10 ifeet " Ulinds, Tramcs and Moiildinss. Rolling and Stationary Slat Blinds made to order to fill all k'.ci'c: inej. Door and Window Frames, plaiu and panneltd. Having caeK-splfndid caeK-splfndid No- 1 moulding machines we can furnish every variety of .v:"- WOOD TUKXING. We have a No. 1 Turning Lathe, and have engaged Fred- I'S-best I'S-best turner in the Territory, aud will furnish turning of all defcr:pu ding wheel heads, chairs, bedheads, and all kinds ci wood turning St..' LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. Our machinery is the very bet that could bo purchased in the k siting of a No. 1 Planer and Matcher, for surfacing lurubor and tone--grooving flooring ; a Daniels l'lancr, for planing hunlx-r out of wind; ing Machine: a heavy power Mortising Machine ;. machines lor n-plowing, n-plowing, making sash, "doors, blinds and mouldings. . As a great variety of work can be done on trc machine?, it ? great advantage in contracting aud building. W. II. FOLSOM attends to tho building departuitni, experienced architect, and having on hand all tho latest arvhitcctttR. prepared to make rlans, specifications, details, and contract lor btii.w kinds The old firm of LATIMER TAYLOR have charge oftne-department oftne-department and in connection with the above machinery run a fot saws, and aro prepared to rip boards, plank, pickets, tenoo raus, str.p . All who intend to beautify, improve and build up, ami waun- io. itox's.--.. Folsom, Romney & c J PRODUCE, PRODUCi Z. C. M. I. I' ;. 1 In order tit inert the demands vi' our nuiiierous ciiioun-r- "i' to ptirrhasenn all kinds of produw Flour, by the sack or k ' " ,,v; ' Wheat. Ivirley and Oats; l'utter, put up in all shapes nd"' -- ' FggK. by ilio diiAcn or liuudrvd doAen. Com ou and get nwrPll,t" l.miMM iuiii HuiIdiim,M cl l,d' P'ntTune from Fir.-t South Sttf. H. B'l ClaAvsoii. Soot |