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Show Theatre Closed. We regret to learn that Messrs. Margetts & Bow-ring, Bow-ring, the new lessees of the Theatre, have been forced through lack of patronage, pat-ronage, to bring the fall season to a premature close. The scarcity of money in the community, and the lack of available attractions have doubtless contributed much in bringing about this result. Still we think, that if our citizens had shown a little more public spirit and have extended a reasonable patronage, such as tke managers had reason to expect, the institution could have run along till times getting better would have justified the introduction cf foreign talent, with such productions as would have proved attractive to the audience and profitable to the lessees, j As it is we are left entirely without amusements, though we have one of the finest theatre buildings in the country. coun-try. We have heard it hinted also that members of the company and other employes were rather exacting jn the salaries they demanded, and required a kind of pay which their services would not draw into the house. We deplore this, as it manifests a spirit of selfishness anything but commendable. But such is human nature all the world over. |