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Show Official directory. failed States Officers for Utah. J. Wilon Shaffer, in.' frnrror- , A )Ianni Nevada. crftrT--j- - Patrick. Nebraska. yrta.-u- i. It jIemrstB1j oi. ( 8. Aiwnw.v-- Tonrtellotte, Minn. !:" lcli'aD Afr'i C. Clements, Ind. ..-or-Gener. -C B. Overton, Pa. ': ior John P. Tapsart, j1' p Elector O. J. Hollister, X ajutice C. C. Wilson, 111. Hj . , iiciw Jutices-0. F. Strickland, l4Cb' and Territorial Officers. DMpM to Congrefls Wm. II. Hooper. immcy-G ene ml Ze rub babel Snow. jUntal J. D- T. McAllister, icditw Wm. Clayton. Trnrtr James Jack. jepcrintendent of Common Schools Robert L. Cupsell. Bait Lake County Officer. rT&Ut Judjre, Elias Smith. fclKUncn, Reuben Miller, lenae M. Stewart, Pavid Brinton. Corowr, H. 8. Boattie. (Lenff, R. T. Burton, fcwecuting Attorney, Z. Snow. Anchor and Collector, R. J. Goldfug. Irworer, Theodore McKeao. Ccanty Clerk, E. W. Kast. S t OnotT Recorder. Edwin D. Wooflc-y. 8ebi Superintendent, Robert L. Campbell. City Officere. Ma TOT!. DwW U. Weila. in Municipal Ward, Isaac Groo. jtd " " Samuel W. Riohartfs. W H "A. H. Raleigh. ith M 44 Jeter Clinton. bib " u A. C. Pyper. C0VCLL0B9. R.T. Burton, Theod-jre McKcan, Thomae Jenkins, Jen-kins, lleber P. Kimball, Henry Grow, John Clark, Tbomaa McLeUand, John R. "Winder, 13 wis S. fliils. Recorder Robert Campbell. Treasurer Paul A. Schettler. Marshal John D. T. McAllister. Anditor of Public Accounts Robert Cacipbell. Antwfflor and Collector John R. Winder. Supervisor of Streets Inane Groo. Surveyor Jenao W. Fox. Dard of School Inspectors Professor J.' B. Pirk, Robert L. Cumpbeil, Henry I. Dorcmne. Siler of Weights und Measures Nathan Davis. Optain of Police Andrew Curt. lter Master Isaac Groo. Inrpeclor of Buildings A. II. Raleigh. 'J " Wood and Lumber II. Dinwoodey. " LifjuorB Robert Campbell. " " Provisions Jesse C. Little. Quarantine Physician Jeter Clinton. Chief Eugineor fire Department John D. T. McAllister. Bwd of Examining Physicians Doctors V. F. AokTson, J. 8. Ormsby, Jeter Clinton. City Market Master Andrew Burt. tt Sexton Juseph E. Taylor. " Stock Inspector H. J. Fanst. &aperintt'ndent Insane Asylum and H ital TNKidure McKean. Physician Insane Asylum and Hospits -Jetei Clmton. FENCE VIEWERS. 1 Municipal Ward Levi Riter. 'M " " Snmnol Turnbow. Iri " Gideon II. C. Gibbs. 4th " " Milieu At wood, bth u " W. C. A. Smoot. |