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Show Fine Fruit. The most luscious aid rich pears, and plums, aud other tscellent fruits, can bo got at jj Wallace's. adv. ' Worth Knowing. The National : fl0if!, east of Post Office, has changed hiaii, and is now run by David Hoge, ho will fruarantee the very best treat- neat at the lowest rates. adv Napolion's Army is short of food aud furage, but he could get a full supply of the necessary bread, crack-en?, crack-en?, pies, pastry and groceries, by applying to Uolight.ly & Harris at the "Globe. adv A SciiNTirrn Wonder. The Craig-microscope, Craig-microscope, adapted to popular and scientific use. Bead tho advertisement. Prie $2.Ts. adv Good wholesome Vinegar. Any iw can make it. Bead the advertisement advertise-ment of W. II. Bishop in this paper. adv l'tc.s' Feet, Pigs' Feet, Calves' Toneues, Lambs' Tongues, genuine Golden Crown Cigars. A large supply roomed to-day at Joe Simmons' Saloon, Sa-loon, Revere House Basement, Second South street. adv F.ih cation. The time for the commencement com-mencement of our schools for the fall stid winter season is rapidly approaches- The tutors and sud.'tiis have 'loulnloss each enjoyed the respite 'tern labor and study during the ex-"vme ex-"vme warm weather, and will feel to ;-ke hold of the work of education 'uh renewed vigor. We ho;e the Iniversiiy, the public and select oools will all be well attended dur-'? dur-'? the approaching term. Parent, is the time to educate your "hildreti, never put it oil till to-morrow, '-'r till you are able to afford it; better deprive yourselves and your children luxuries or even necessities, than ""gleet tlK.;r education. Let our Bouutaiu boys and girls have a fair elianec to develop thenieelve". lu-v Received. A supply of English ale now on draught, by Phil. Margctt, at his Refreshment Rooms, L'nd South Street. Cold lunch, sardines, sar-dines, oysters, c., with cool and refreshing re-freshing lager served up with neatness and promptness. adv A Blast of Smoke. Ed. Harris has the largest supply of the finest Cigars ever received hero from California, Cali-fornia, with the best Tobacco, Cigarettes, Cigar-ettes, Cheroots, Amber Mouth-pieces, Canes, Umbrellas and Notions in general, Cigars cheap at wholesale and retail. adv. The Ckaiu Microscope. This microscope mi-croscope is simplified and adapted to popular as well as scientific Use. A new optical wonder ! The only instrument that requires no focal adjustment, and therefore can be readily used by every one, even by children. Costing only $2.o by mail, postpaid, it is within the reach of all, and Bhould be on the table of every practitioner. Read advertisement ad-vertisement in this paper. adv : Prize Candy boxes, just the thing, it Henry Wallace's. adv mmm ' m I Z. C. M. I. DRIED FEE LEU PEACHES,! i I Ftathea Peeled and Dried. Wo mh to rg npsrj the pspr tbs propriety of PEELIi-'G THEIR PEACHES Tb im &asea. W b find wkt t well ind rett4 pMtkti frxym th dt. H. B. CLAWRON, 6npt. Salt Lake Ho ise, F. LITTLE, Proprietor. Ib open for the reception of iraet?. GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS 1 .. LUMBER! t I am now primrel to furniah Rills of Lumber reasonabl7temts For V. P. R. R. ir f. c. n. K. Puper j JOS'KPH A. VOl'NU. READ THIS If Voiiwan t to Litc at Pence in Utah. Wo are now preprired to soil cloth or exchmiso't for Wool, at tbe EXCELSIOR ILLS Near Ogden City. Orve pom ,d o( drum U tpt aicht ponna of Wool W,H b required. If it n "l fnnmheii tie price oC the grwe will be denoted from tha wool. Bee'i and a'l kinds rf oft prenso takm in exchange for cloth. Wanted a first rlvs l'ollr and Finisher. RANDALL, PUGSLEY Borai, imra & ti. Importers and Jobbtii ot j ronEiov A.D DOMKSTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS' Fine Ea.entll Oils, Gnma, KoU.-eed, KoU.-eed, Flowera. J-ponpea, bklns, Pomadea, if., An 1 all other .onneet.-i vi Wholesale and Ke'.nl lirns bfin-. Cotinnly in weift. by -tireet lrepr'n-.i .n., ot Karopesn nnd A'lnt.o rftu-r. , jclus-ive Acent.s !V.r txuivkiiv-f. Honeiter'a ISit"-. . I'rsko'' Po:'"-'!! "" l',;f' :-.(' 1:i-s 'BorT". And nilraiTff lror.e-.rr MV'. - . J r.,.b Aarrsn ar i r.r.r'.retr.. I f.r.if Prrr.;'.' -i '-re:ol.y J t ). 349 a 3 )l.tl Ee-eta Vr: anJ Sf-' t AN FRANCIS t). CALIPOPiM CDIOMEEBri MioiiT iioi rr, Il A S T I I IIICAI.O ami you i n- r.vn:u A 1 A V, Mioi t"-t X (juirKcyf '.oti(r fh'im OMAHA TO ('IIICAI.O AMI 1 II I. tid ; ti Tin' 11 e I' l I. Il pi." s , ,, H ( be.. let :.i.:. in t .i.ii.u" i n w i I, 1 1 ;.i ie. .i i ,M ('ililJH Mil. I f II II I'liellie 1 ill r illijl., ii 1'" in ( ' i o ' ' in Ad. a' ci- ot ' 1 1 '.'111 I ln'.t. - I'll" I 1 M li ( . Ol Ml Ot Ili'iN- rtl h iitl i i.i s 1 ,t .' '1 liih It t .' i"i d b cli I Ulis tn e. e ,li, I-1 I'lillir.iii I'iiliKC Motel unci sire j in:r I (;ic li ( i,' .-. md f pli'ieiel bee i.r ,,, h I. r- 'y I.... ti I .op f..rti I . Hi . ' hi .,- pi I 'lei i" ii eh" ;,' i- ii- , - .ii.,-. I V I I.) ill tl.e Vtol .'I for l.ll'r,,( l , ( UllllOI I Itllll I III! l i in c. 1 . ' ... i, 1 S .. il. - . I o.. I r I . . v . . ,. 1...I, .' ' . H , .. I .. .... 1 i i I I I ) 1 A 1 1 ' A . .. i ... v . i. i I i w . j. . . I i. to r i ..... ; ... 1 . , ll v ... k ,,l ,.. . i ,,. ... i i, . ii . ii. i. 1 1 .., will. i '1 le- '-'l.'.e. 'l ' 1 -, j I I,.-, ., - I'.I '. I , ''. 11 b 'I t h tl'l I I.... I ''. I-' ' I l.-i ; " -.I ..i . 4 j . l.t ....... ei . , , ,4 V ' I. I . . , I . i . ..,i t. 4 Mt " . ' ' . . !... , .1 1 II ' . l 1 - ... "l . I I -1 . k. I ..(.. 1, ( , ' i, I 1. 1 11 I , . r I ..-I 'J . n.j .' M , 1 - i I. , I , I I ,-,.! ' I 1 ' , : i . . ' ' I ' , ' 1 ., fi ! H i R R f PiCCERS, ' - . J I. f i.T.1 , t Itf'lt. j , , -T .. N V. !. t I. I-l S I A I. w. v.. y.' )'. iiHtbi, K.t |