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Show LATEST NEWS' j BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT. i Highly Important from Paris and the Seat cf War. . Germany Refuses Mediation. Demands Alsace and Lorraine. i i - The Government of Palikao overthrown, and a Re-i Re-i public Declared. The Provisional Government Govern-ment make Proposals for Peaee to Prussia. Proclamation of the Maj'or of Paris. England and France will make "War on C hina. A Proclamation by the Prefect of Police : The Revolution Perfect Xo French Blood to flow, except onthe Field of Battle.-France under the Auspices of Republican Liberty Proposes to Vanqulah or Die. j Departure of the Empress 1 from Paris, ulone ; und Deserted. i Arrival of the Prince 1m-, 1m-, perial in England. i The Forimitluu of the Xew Sllnlstrj. Paris, Sept. .", 4 p.iu. Some of tbe shops of the more favored purveyor. 1 of the Imperial i'atuily are menaced i and will probably be sacked. In all parts of the city the people are pointing point-ing out and taking down the imperial arm?, fearing an attack fi oin the mob. In the windows of shops where photo-; photo-; graphs ar-.' displayed, cure has been I taken to remove those of the Imperial family and all connected with them. The national guard are out in force to London." Sept. ). The steamers ol German American lines:, are literally covered with buntine since the receipt of the news of McMabof's surrender. Ftuttgardt. Sept. At a crowded meeting, held to-day. :.he following resolutions were adopted: Resolved that Germany refuses tlic mediation and intervention of other powers. Other resolutions were passed demanding demand-ing the incorporation of Alsace and Lorraine as a portion of Germany as the only guarantee against French greed and as a national compensation ior the expenses of the war. That the Germans must now be one iiation, in one state, with one army and one parliament, par-liament, and that these are the only sureties of a permanent peace. A correspondent of the Daihi Xacf at Paris says, at 3 o'clock on Sunday p. m. he saw the palace of the Tuil leries invaded by a mob who tore down the throne and destroyed everything marked with the imperial be s ami I other Napoleonic insienia. and carried away and cast into the Seine ail the bust's statues and pictures of the "a puleons. Henri IW'htf'rt wnsboint in triumph to the Hotel I'e Yiile. In these scenes the soldiers friiernized with the peop'e and all shouted vn' li Franc, they laiifhed and wept will, jov and embraced one amuhcr. "I'ar.s, M'p. 4. The '' i'ols give the. lbliowiiu as tbe exact text of tb letter of Na'pole n to tho Kinsr ot Prussia: "Hnving no roji'iiiatid in the anny. and having rlced all u-y authority in the hands of the F.mpres-a F.mpres-a lUgent, I herewith surrender m ! sword to tb-' King of Pru-ia." T';ta. nun-.ta-r of Freneli s..idi.-r who l into Beltrium ten itnry, t to -i about ! Ix.ndon. 4. p.ru. Jn" ii.emt' i s o; 1 the provisional fwcmii" nt :. !y.;-l.-J at Pari" ate General 'Ir-l.-i, v4 lavre. 'ian.Vat;. i..l:f.:.n Fo-ev. Kcratr. (.r-a.iui. lVari r. J .ireu'v. Kei;,;r-,- p.-if.rtr.s tl.e U-nct'-riS-rir--'1' l-'-r''1 A':':' !h.e ..f yW.-r ..! 1'-.-. t it, L..:. :.t. .:ir,i in jr i.v .u V'.i '.i.-h town 1 ' ti.e f M.'-rt-':. 1 "j .i, i..n. 4 A .:..-.&t.-h lr -t.. 1'- -:,-,, :;nce- ih.it t'C - ' ; ri: .k ,., ; ..-..r.'.t I a rvy.-: Tl. .... i a: i v. -?- ' ' i - v . : is a n.. ::' r ..) t!.v I ,;). ;, t .ji-id-rir..' t;,e p--r .. "t.v i '"'b- . the Gerrean advance, has arrived a: ' incy. on its march to Paris. ; London. The I'aih .V-.s says:: Ju'.es Favre, minister et' tc-c-:;n fairs. Las already made rcnee i ror i sitions to the Prussians. The basis I of these propsitioiis are the with-1 drawalcfthe Germans from the i-;rri- ' lory of France, p'ranee wili give gurtr- i antee that the s;a:;di:ii: armv shall i be alclishei. ; ' ; The if",:-. a::d othir Uj'-Ci.':!..-. j 1 ac.-ert the French revol'iV:orp.-y :.'.r.;"e as a liar espres-ici of t'. " !t:.: ioual w;:l. Thev attticiv'S-.e c.i .Vs.ird-. :. Pa: is. e. The M.n . r h:,, - : i :1 v fjllotrine p-cla-::;!..;:: ::. 1'e Viiie. Paris. Mii;r , :;. ..( :: ; ... I have .,:: calie i l y le .-: i the sov'irnir.e::: o:' r.i-.!"i;ai i-. :w t? the Msyoraiity . : Par'. wl.l . r.w;.;:-isgiory.v.i r.w;.;:-isgiory.v.i t be cilfil '. lc : v;:r muu'.c.pahi.v 1 tk.'' : v-; this City li::li in ;he n:.r:x :'.ic republic, re-public, which w:s the s. -i o:' i'.e patriotic : ver.:s t' 171'-, Is V i.v..; 15-t-s. I speak to vou r,.- a c;r s .; J in 17?::. Vl:: . . tl.-. v da::cer. lcanv a:e wounded. ;:i P. .:- sian mau;c:pali:y must be uvtl-udv a : to-day from sc:;e, by a s.:l.".i:r e'' a republic. re-public. !'Yr rtyi-lh'.j1 ". 11. lev:. Argo and G amber. a has is-ucd :: j reclamation re-clamation appointing F. mend ae'.i-tine ae'.i-tine prefect (if Strasbourg and lor the department cf Bas Khine. The eounr.y depends upon his army an ! pair. o:is.n to reach and defend his p:sr. Paris, p. The corps t;' Gen ' euev has reached Laten. on its retrograde movement. The corps is intact at. t is falling back in goc d order. London, 6. The Times' d: atches say the miracle of wlii be le- peated. The Standard o this u.orning says we learn from reliable sources that England, in conjunction with France, as soon as a stable government i formed in the lane country, intends declaring war on Chit a for satisfaction for the massacre of En dish and 1 rcneh citizens at Tientsing, aeniandiug guarantees guar-antees from the EmperiT of China for the security of English and Fierch subjects in that country in future. Paris, 6. The prefect, of police h is issued the following proc.amaiioii : Policemen and tiihabiutit. of 1'asi-s after being for eighteen fears ciashou under cruel blows and our tiadmoiis interrupted, our task ins been re samed. The deputies of tho loft, alter the withdrawal of their colleagues, by a majority vote proclaimed the decree of I'echauce. Soon afterwards a lie-public lie-public was proclaimed fiotn the Hotel de Yiile. The revolution which h;.s I j list taken place has been a peifect one. it was understood that no Iromh blood bhould flow except upon the field of battle. It has tor its object as in I7yii, the repression of a foieign foe. It behoves us, therefore, as inhabitants inhabi-tants of Paris, by our sell'-psossiim and the adamant of our attitude to continue to show ourselves eipial to the task thift we and the nation have undertaken. un-dertaken. For this reason, invested by the government with powers that hae been so much abused under pievi.ms regimes, 1 write to the inhabitants of Paris to exercise those political rights which they have just ree.igni.ed, to the fullest extent possible, consistent with wisdom and model ;,tion. and l" show Prance and the world that e a:e indeed worthy of liberty. Our duty under the circumstances in which we h.'ive been placed i above aiilore-mei"uber aiilore-mei"uber that our country is in daiu'ir and ,'hat France under the au-piees ol hVmnblvan libcrtv proimsi - i" in quish or 'Jio. I am certain that my powers will' only be u-ed to defend ou from the b,Vw ol' liiu-e who seek to betrav their c ')untr. Special to i be Evening h b "''' London, bcp.t. . Tho Pniic; Imi"-rial Imi"-rial reached Loneon this mm iiiiic. Ills arrival at the Cha.-mg Cm.-s railroad terminus was unexpected, au.l iliie-fore iliie-fore did not excite ;ittchti"ii. I be Prince was attended by bis suit; be appeared to he sufterirg li'-'i" r. cent indisposition. Paris, Sept. n. The m.'iii"t"r ol ihe interior has receive d a tlisfwh 'Fit- ti Mlllhou-e, slating that the enemy had appeared at si vera! inl.-, ci t-i ii-T tlie Khine in that icinity. J'h" rard'' nationalc and other bodie- that were going to meet them ha 1 ai-o appeared at Nufccbatel, in the 1 .j.iirtiut ill 1,1 Coteder. Lund. hi. Sept. ''. I lie bunni.g ef the public binary "f Stra-bnii y. of the mo.-t u-elul and vahi;e ': in Europe, fciiis to I'1: faiiy ; .li- I. Pans, i.. It is ifj-t y-'n. : -lied that the i'.n.pr. s- Pin , mi uu day going to Lie f:nj..i 10 r- ii.a n . Ii the En.peior, sbe '1 )! I"'-" " ; y the entrance on the 'I ''iy lo..iie: vi:l, her but a s- rviot. In i1.- ' Ferdinanl de L p-. a i' .it;.'- the EmpresH w, nt to li'T m 1 lei ,o I that she tig l.-r ab i ' " seemed to a.rec ., tl..- an I t .. t. . r , . ' il,.- prr.ieet l tl.e . t n :.t I . .i,- liere tl.'' in.n. -'! - 'a' 1 l ' ' 'U ' I Tb-v all .! lar- 1 -" li. ti :-i le pap'T. 'J le I'l. - ..';. . tl V ,.,('' ' : - w is t i.i :.,-t i ' ti." .i..- pel . I i.ni'i .'lie a", e u.e ,., . . " le' l.i - f .r." to 11 .'V.i ;- I. I ' 1.. '! i en i F is i .; ; :.t le in tl e ;.). pearai. i.e ivih- 1 1, .t I;.- ! I ' -lure of tU l.ti.pt'-- v : I... ; J i -tat 1 t :, -t tie I O... ' .:, ci.x-i i th- r ' - ' te-ui the E:;. f I a I r - i' J 1 ' ' t iTilil I' ' ' -' I- 1 ' " - 1 ' ' c-:i w.. a. i i e tie i.i :: - w,:,. - ' v 1 r .. . I ;- v. : - t-. i' :. I I ' r.-! l.A t.:..i....' : - A i e: ii.u!' :-j ' ' ' - r.-.t I ;.. i.'. 'J h- (re. - ve. :.! !:. . ' L.v.'. n i ! p r oi t ti'. e h T'-- New York. 0 A special corres,. .r dent to the Trilu,u: sends the following follow-ing corrected list of the provisional coverr.nie::: takinr the name of the S National 1 K fer.se ti overnmetn : Emanuel Eman-uel A -ago. Critr.er.x. .Titles FaTe. lules Fern.-, Gnntotta. G artier. Pages, Gl.-ee. .'..-..I. P,l; ::,.;. Martin. Pi-car.i. Pi-car.i. Pi.-ehefe-:: and Ju'es Simon. The ; mhtisty- Is v'lews; Miu'ter of lo-:e:rn lo-:e:rn a:l e.vs. .lr.l-.s Favre: minister of ie.sVec. t'rtitv ux : : truster of interior. -I.c;-j Gambctt.i : mit'tstcr of iiiatve. !.::-- -t 1': -.-'.: str, er::-.:er..ier.t of public pub-lic v..-t"s. Ve rro Feran : u.ir.istor ot ....:.. .i.- - i: M.1..1:.: st;;e-;:,;eti- . ' t evle ::ts:t;er-ti. ' s Simon: mir.'s..:- ..;'-.c. M tr:::); miuister ' c-:' w.:r. l--v:- .T-.l.s ftve-eu. who is rls. tvli. Ill Cf the e-illeil. Vw'l et's. t'. 'p.ju.. l.-.-'.ie.eii e. ! The j 1 r.s cv-. rv g.wi wish :, r the ' Fr- ivli s.av -I't'i: t- seeking to vr !e:nv.:!i a v '.t.n i.t and pivscvvc j o:ii r. I: is. a. as a lr.r.t'er of .vifsf t:.:.i s .--w -.e'siiiiiiien will be t 1 1 . ' -i.i. is o.ct excise- , !,,: e-.:- v e -.v- ;r. til Paris, Pcr- leet e:-.hr - ie -ii.:i,.ee.i hit there is . great arsv.r.y t K ;.m the news. '. v.den. . i t. o. A land of t'.o Car.ists were attacked and beaten i - I t- way i.e.v Na:.::-. v,'iv..l were c..p:::re,i: : them were priests vi. h artns .;- tivirhtniis. Another , baini of Mi ce i r I'cur hiinavcd were t-n-c. 'Ui.tc r-. d i.i tl.e prevn.ef of Ftscav. ( fhc iiisurrenis nivitieud ;o destroy the r.ii'.toa.i. 1 ..; were attacked by tb.e : . tovers.Ui- :;t tr. ,e s ;i:;d retr-eu. Hie Cailist :itv attacking Gen. Pmii met - . ciless.y. Tin -e arc rumors of a con- stii.acv ag.diisi the aulu rents of Mont-pcnsiJr.' Mont-pcnsiJr.' S |