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Show TELEGRAMS. From Aiilralia and Nen Mexico. FOREIGN. Intere.tlng Australian Xtn t, San Francisco, C. The Aja.x, connecting con-necting the Honolulu and Australian steamer, which arrived this morning, brings a large mail and a full complement comple-ment of passengers for England, also the government commissioner, who reports re-ports favorably upon the overland railroad rail-road as possessing the greatest advantages advan-tages as a general route to England via San Francisco. Sydney, July 30. The Wonga takes hence twenty-two cabin passengers for England and sixteen from Auckland. The New South Wales intercolonial exhibition, which opens on .the 30th of August, promi-es immense success. Parliament assembles on the ISth. It is certain that an attempt will be made to oust the ministry. The iron ship Ilarhc'i Castle is supposed to have foundered off Cape Howe with all hands. The pet missive liquor law agitation agi-tation was rife. The government has promised to subsidize the present Cali-fornian Cali-fornian mail service. The Inter-Colonial Conference resolved to urge British protection over V'egii. A survivor of the ship General Grant and six others were drowned while attempting to recover the gold from the wreck. Markets stagnant ; breadstuff rising. A great fire in Melbourne destroyed the Varieties theatre. Loss, a hundred and fifty thou-aud dollars. The government refused to subsidize Webb's line. Adelaide. The construction of the Asstralian telegraph has been commenced. com-menced. Fresh gold discoveries of great promise prom-ise have been made. Queensland. Immensely rich quartz reels have been discovered in the northern north-ern districts. The cotton harvest is large and the sugar crop satisfactory. New Zealand. Swords from the Queen have been presented to the leading friendly chief's. The native war has ceased. The rebel leaders are still uncaptured. The Duke of Edinburgh and the new commodore of the Australian squadron had reached Wellington. An English company offer to lay a cable to Australia. Melbourne. All ths English troops left on the 20th of August per the Corona. |