Show SHORT ORDJERS Judgment for the Plalntift in the Haight TS Pearson Case Hector W Haight vs C E Pearson the court found for plaintiff for conveyance con-veyance and for just compensation thirty days stay granted to file statement state-ment on motion for a new trial J H McChrystal L W Bacon vs 1cChrystal fifteen days allowed in which to file motion for a new trial McGalley Publishing company vs L C Bamberger et al demurrer to complaint com-plaint overruled ten days to answer Salt Lake city vs J W Donnellan as receiver et al leave to bring suit by plaintiff in ejectment C 33 Lander vs C E Wantland et a1 judgment for plaintiff for 2 389 17 William Whitehead vs George A Meears et a1 motion to substitute administrator ad-ministrator for George A Meears deceased de-ceased allowed Marshall a Royle withdrew as attorneys George A Hill vs Utah Paint and Oil company continued until December Decem-ber 2 Currier vs J A Morlan et 01 motion mo-tion to strike out answer and cross complaint and demurrer set for hearing hear-ing Dec 2 Heber A Smith vs Rio Grande Western Railway company leave to amend complaint granted McLanon vs Tintic Iron company hearing of motion for new trial set for Dec 2 William Yates vs Margaret E Busch dismissed without costs wIhout Utah Stove and Hardware company vs Salt Lake City tet 01 hearing on injunction reset for Dec 9 A Hunter vs Harriet Hunter referred re-ferred to James W Musser to try and report findings f J1 National Bank of the Republic vs William Groesbeck et al order made permitting plaintiff to bring suit against J A Groesbeck et al Zions Savings Bank and Trust company com-pany vs 1 G Cochrane et al Attorney At-torney T D Lewis appointed for 1 G Starbuck a minor t James Scott vs Henry Barnes et al dismissed u Constellation Mining company vs James Money thirty days stay allowed allow-ed to file motion forra new trial J P Dewoodey vs William Lester appeal dismissed Wilford Woodruff vs George E Yeadon et 01 dismissed Henry Snyder vs C H Wilson et 01 judgment for plaintiff Joseph Coblentz vs the Driver Mercantile Mer-cantile company argued and submitted Judgments Entered Judgments were yesterday entered in the Third district court as follows Mason Co Phoenix M3on vs Chemical and Mineral Paint works for the plaintiff for 223026 Wemple Bros vs Maurice Stiefel for the plaintiff by default for 192265 Suit Entcrnd T R Jones has commenced suit in the Third district court against against Hyrum Sutton et 01 to recover 510000 I I on a promissor note and 300 at |