Show WITH COLLECTOR LEONARD The Taxpayers flocked to His Office Yesterday Yes-terday Yesterday was one of Collector Leon ards busiest days and all day long the office was thronged with taxpayers taxpay-ers who had put off paying their taxes until the very last moment allowed by the collector Last night at 6 oclock the doors of the office were closed and in that condition they will remain until un-til the delinquent tax list has been made up and is ready for publication Just how much money was taken in yesterday the collector was unable to say last night and as to the amount of the delinquent tax list he was equally in the dark I will be several sev-eral days before he will be in a position posi-tion to give any figures on the run on his office Those persons who have neglected to pay their taxes will now be forced to pay the cost of publication in addition ad-dition to the amount of their taxes The cost will be 50 cents for each item published |