Show LAND LANI mia miss agnes oviatt our pot post ingstrom ini 11 strom a I 1 q been very sick for a week pait pa it the little girl ot of mr and mr mrs or awn ie is quite tick sick perhaps this nc stem counti unta for the pro bace of hou L LP P or ren orsen sauly night and dand IL H tilley a little buy 1 ot of mr aad and mr airs J R tilley hit has been suffering considerable the lost ten daye days from A bat but is i now dow colue better the infant of mr ant n I 1 mr mrs oviatt to very tick sick otherwise our little town Is i dolor doing laddy the tits music and 1 elocution club is pro 1 paring a grand entertainment to come off in the near future lat L at sunday oar our town wae was a little more distant than L usual bit perhaps price can account tot this the eail saint annual stake 8 conference confer euce e A doable wadding in M veland next wedi legally night tall this way henry Ri masea to eldib th ann robards Rc R chard bards bohison Joti uon to emica ward the Y L M L A will celebrate their february 18 anil and wind up with a dance la to the apers house be He Arrived inthe in the home ct of I 1 lettow fellow citizen citizens mr and sra un mrs tam am I 1 N alg r au ali wu well especially opec lally ur the father waned 0 ol 01 the th death of david IL tilley it Is a very gad ad end jug io the parents hare bare hoja on to thi last he WAS a 14 is in good health the immediate can bare not learned lea ined only bat that bl his stomach rim WAS in a very serious condition we W aw recerd the death ot of the infant of mrs and mr goo oviatt |