Show FAMILY l A REUNION HE Interesting In tho the Thi artI Meeting House Honse The Tho Thirteenth nard card ord meeting house last ast IUt night was 18 tho the scene seene of ot a ft happy of the late hate gathering of ot the descendants 0 E B F D Woolley Wooley There Ther were about of ot the children and dren ren of ot the departed Bishop present and nd a n most mOlt enjoyable time lime was wu spent spent The program of the evening was hit lUt ned ened to by a number of Intimate friends ot of f the family tamlY In addition to twenty grandchildren and great gent grandchildren It consisted of ot tiOn lon musical selections and ana short ml ad dresses dreG ae Among Amon the imo tho prominent features ero a I mandolin II solo ool and organ ursan accompaniment Misses Alice and anel song on ton tion Anita Hurdley l recitation Irene Ireno Simmons mit addresses by I dent Joseph B l F Taylor N A Hamilton G O tic and John W the tho eldest non of ut the de do dec c led lon Among Amon those thosa present ent three HUGO soils OIS John Gordon timid and George Wool loy lay anti and 1111 fIve daughters Rachacl Sim imms I IH S Henrietta Simmons Mary tary tar Clark wH Woolley a pad fa Mica Fanny PallY I |