Show Fr Tra Kan S Pedro Will Oct et To ToJ I J Monday Morning to tho the fact that Vice President T E Gibbons nl of or the Los Lee Angeles road 1 Freight I Auditor H It J Stirling am Auditor of ot Accounts P 11 Southard It Is expected that Mahl Malmi controller of or the Southern Pa Ta with headquarters In New Ne eW York will viii also be ue b present resent and that some o othe of ot the Recounting accounting officers of or the Navigation Co 10 c and 1111 tin tho Oregon Short Line will likewise be a athe at atthe atthe the gathering The conference Is called callec for Monday next Sun San Francisco June 29 The Call says The fitI Call recently announced that thai there would be he a shakeup In the ac accounting accounting counting department of or the time Southern Pacific Railroad company compan It Is II now nIJI generally generall believed that some sonie important Irn changes chanes are ar about to be made mado Several officials In the auditing branch of or the th la received ll notices requesting their immediate Appearance at Omaha They left ln among them he be beIn lag Ing In R I K H Holton ticket auditor What Whal hat the outcome of ot their trip Kast I st will beIs be he heIs beis Is har hard to say 8 Ca but hut tho the close chose of ot the Union and Southern Pacific roads seems to point to the time fact that there will be a n consolidation of or the tho Union nail and Southern Pacific accounting departments meats and others cannot arrive In this city until tonight or tomorrow morning time the meeting of ot the directors of or the tIme Sari San S ll Pe 10 Pedro dro Los Angeles Salt Snit Lake road IO d Ims hRIt imn been postponed until Monday J Host hoes lark Clark arrived 1 yesterday evening the tho coast He lie states that work ark IH is being pushed at the other end of or the line ar a ars being secured and everything Is I going along swimmingly In California this general statement he says MaJi that ho he has ban nothing to give ce out at AND NI u KAIL lun The Oregon Oreon Short Line continues to send Ind laborers laborer Into Nevada by b the oar load loail Tho The Oregon Oreon Short Line ticket office omee will be ready road for occupancy at ot the theo o rl part of next week wl ek Vice iee President Pre hent Dancroft of the Ore Oregon Oregon gon on Short Line and Resident Engineer r returned lat last night from Car Carson Caron Carson son on J 1 W K It Bracken agent for tor the time San S n Pedro ledro hero hera this morning AA VV hold It a conference with several of ot the time visiting promoters Pat Parle Icy L I Williams general attorney for fOI the time Oregon Short Line yesterday closed the for fol f i the time plaintiff in inthe Inthe Intile J the tile legal of or limo thu grade gra e at lit Car Cor Carson son lion Charles J Dittmer 1 of o the time firm of or le Dittmer of Pueblo Is in this city watching a developments t In the time San Sami Pedro situation with tho time Idea in view vi of putting In a n bid JId for construction work The Oregon Short Line Lino Ine is II preparing to rush ruah work on the time Uada extension It Is he Mid that two construe construction con true tion lion will viiI soon I b In operation In California Cal working northeast to meet the tIme gangs working southwest |