Show I WHO MAY VOTE IN ALABAMA Montgomery Ala Al June JUlO 29 The suf suffrage SIC frage Crae nige antI elections article 0 of ot the time 11 posed now no constitution way wu WR submitted to limo thu constitutional convention today to 10 today day dl Following are arc nr tho the most ol Important Section 8 To ro entitle n a 1 citizen n to 10 oto ott at sIt lt any hv ims shall hn resided In iii Inthe II the time state auto at feast two lo years In tho the county one ont year mouth ami In iii II th the precinct or orward orWAld ward WAld three month Immediately preceding ing lag the election nt at It which he lie o offers to vote ote and he lie dish hal hf Vf be bl bee duly dui toted a AH 1 un aim UI elector doctor smut and dish hAVe hae paid nil all ni poll taos ta due from him hl for lor time the year 1901 nod and for tor ouch each subsequent year Setin 2 provides that tilts this general assembly provide for lor or comity boards of or registration after 19 Until then than thol the tho boards are ar to be bo 1 1 I tn OlP I u Ul y mow IU w v w of ot agriculture tuf anil ald amid Indus 1118 tries and nW O ni to consist conIst of Ut citi citizen zen 5 Section I IThe The of oC tills this state who are citizens of ot the 21 yearn yeats of ot It ng uK or Ut tr upwards ami ali who ho lre not disqualified under section 7 of o thU titis article 1111 b be entitled to tu ii lumen n application nn as 11 t life IiI prior to thou tho Una Ir t day of at January 1901 FIrst nil all n who o served In Iii II the land or om naval 4 if IC f the United Trailed II In iii the war ot o 11 11 or In tin hit Ihl w ar r with lh Mexico or In Iii any al war with wih ii th lb the Indians I or In iii II ti the t civil 1 between the time stute or lm served In the land hand or naval forces of ot ottle time the tle confederate Second Se ll Ihl d Junt of tier per persons Ier sons mentioned In iii 11 the above Third all nih oi others othela of oC good enamour r rInd and Ind who llo understand the duties dute of uC if citi citizens ct zens zeus and nOli tho tim obligations of ot the time elective franchise Section 6 GAter After tim 11 first lar hal of o Jan Jaim January JUI uary 1808 the tho following persons and amid no lie 10 thai Ip Ic c tC us as 11 they Ihy shall ihal not nm be disqualified under section 7 of nr ar First l thOM bmw who ran can cal a prevent cd Id bv by physical ph disability read and on write an Rn article of oC the tho constitution al of oC the tho ho United States In the lie language lam and who ho being bol rl able ohIo to work ork haV been regularly lIU en engaged 11 cm In Iii II some comae lawful In business or oc on occupation trade or for tr 12 I months resister next lext preceding the this time thins they otTer offer to t Second the tho owner In good faith In his iii hi own Otto right mIght or tint tho him husband of ut a woman who vimo IB Is 11 the time owner of oC forty urty acres of t land situated In iii tho state upon upen which they thie reside or ur tint thom husband of any woman who Is l the owner In her hair own right of o estate situated In this thus state of oC the lm h value of ot MO 00 or 01 more moore or the tho or orthe 0 the husband or of a I woman who WhO is 18 tb the owner In her own 01 right Ib hl nf or n raa property In tile this slate assessed f fit tax tx alma at tt nop c ut r more ore at t tall all ni tuxes due ue by him for tor tle w preceding tile the year In he offers offer aler to vote ote shall shaH have hure been paid Section 7 The following persons shall be dIsqualified dl both from regis registering registering nail from voting All Al Idiots tho o oho who ho shall bo he disqualified 1 from oln at Rt atthe althe the time of the lie of this con comi constitution anti those thOI who ho hio shall hal have been bee 1 I Int convicted of treason arson murder chIco In embezzlement malfeasance larceny obtaining property or money nione under false pretenses perjury subornation nation of ot perjury perjur robbery assault with Intent to rob forgery Corge bribery assault and Ind battery on the th wife 11 Ife bigamy living In iii adultery receiving stolen tolen property Incest rape raile miscegenation lon crime against natUre rl or Ir any 11 crime rime pun puma by b Imprisonment In the lie penitentiary I Ilar flit or of ot nay ony Infamous crime or lar Involving murll turpitude also OIRO persons who shall hal have ha e been convicted u 11 in vagrants and trumps and amid any un per Iler person son soil Mi who shall hal sell BPI or otter offer ofer to sell his hla vote sote or the vote ote of at another or who tuho Iho shall buy Int or offer to buy hu the vote ote of or another In any election by b tile the people or Ir In Iii any I primary 11 ma election or in 11 I i procure tho lie nomination or election electon of ot any In erlon to any In or Iho who ho shall suborn any witness or registrar to Icuro the time therl I registration rl of any Rny person jersen as ns an un elect elector elet eletor or H The poll pol tax mentioned In Inthis this article lo shall be one on dollar and fifty fey rents cents Rrt upon each manic male 1111 Inhabitant of ot the state over time tho tw age BIO e of or 21 years year antI and un under under der let the age l e of or 45 years not now nol exempt by ij b law Cricket loth Continues mies Philadelphia 29 The match between Ihla the tIme Canadian nail the lie eleven eleen was 11 continued today under inder favorable conditions When Shen time the stumps were drawn cawl last Inn evening the time hind had scored lS for Cur their heir first Inning InninG The Delmont players were sere retired fort for Cor fora Corn a n t total tit of Cregar not out olt made a ii 1 rood good stand today gathering SO SC runs before be Core the time lout man had been disposed of t When play pia was stopped for tor lunch the tho Canadians had hind lost host one on wicket for lor 31 ri runs Minimum Turin ned Paris Juno June 29 A decree derC Issued to today tola tolay lay day continues the lie application of mini minimum minimum mum la tariff on colonial foodstuffs anti on il coffee cre from the l States Cuba Porto Port orto and the time Philippines |