Show OUTSIDE EVENTS 1 nn Bust hit nH II tn a II l titi I 1 I C It U ii I oil t I STANDING OP OO TIm 1 P 11 Vf V L I IC M I SI 31 1 U II FIT Tl 1 New York urk 17 28 26 2 21 MW MIa Philadelphia M GG 30 35 25 3 W 51 II I 39 9 25 u 1131 HOllon s 1 lG G 23 MO MOSt St roul 51 M 17 21 17 CincInnati 62 51 31 22 SO 0 m Chieno wi v BS G 5 19 ID 80 ao 37 3 Y ST Jt 1 S hums GAMES 3 2 6 5 I 1 St 10 Nev N eu II York Vork 11 it Cincinnati 10 1 Chicago 2 TODA YS GAMES Cincinnati at nt no toll Chicago at It Now New York ork Lur at 11 Philadelphia St SI Louis Louie at I hi huiel I 1 lung 2 June Jutie T genie game I mo was Will uninteresting Attendance 1152 1 SCOPE II n II n K J 2 7 1 Philadelphia 4 9 2 h 1 11 tid nd VIi It and Douglas I SI St 10 I I I June 28 lost the A I A upon Ullon Fn er In tho the eighth Inning today tolla for two triple triples a 11 doubt double and anil three Ingles which resulted In tIre live tulle rum und and gave 11 a theta thim the game Attendance 1600 scorn SCORE It 11 H Jt K E 7 10 0 0 o Philadelphia S I S 8 I l and r Powers 7 j 0 1 Chicago June Jutie 28 Tho l on both hoth c eldus Aldal Will win very ery ragged today The took tool a n good food lead on Ott nt the start then went to nl we In lii the tite fourth and tour four cost toft costly ly Ii arro the visitors 11 tor six II nun 2600 i COItE II n H It I R It 7 14 5 6 1 6 10 5 1 Cleveland und lUrt und Wood Il l hlll II I ii gt ott Boston I IL 0 I June 8 Boston cat cap captured the eighth by t I tUI 4 d genie gume In of Ut error and a 1 home bottle lun which scored four Cour our mm Attend 1110 2000 fn f n H n n S I 7 or U II G C 10 4 1 hla and Win Winter ten ter and game to St HI Louis today toda because o 0 oC Inability to lint hot Harper at critical times Attendance 1600 1500 SCORE n U n It E 4 10 5 HoRton St Louis 10 0 t I 1 3 and t Hur per and A Nichols Nichola and Moran and Xo e York 11 t I I 1 10 I 0 New Nt York June 2881 SK hits hila Including ln three doubles UM 1111 er cr error after two w WIe i ie out enabled the th Ne New forks to defeat Cincinnati In the line today Attendance nce 2100 SCORE SCOnE H n II H E New York 11 II 10 IG E 5 10 11 n 3 3 and Warner New Newton NeWton ton and Bergen It o i iI I Brooklyn rooklyn June won on his hla own today tall II by lJ clever pitching timely time his hili two to hits hilts bring bringing bringIng i ing lug In four of ot the live five runs run credited I to Attendance 2000 OUO II n H II I K E I Pit 13 3 9 S Brooklyn 3 J 7 i 1 and anI limner Me Ic 10 Outre Guire and Hughes i STANDING OF OP cLUbS CLUrS P W S L I PC pe Chicago r tr i 35 M 20 O 06 Iti G I Boston M 10 0 30 31 20 0 GOO jOO Baltimore 47 27 i 0 51 Washington 4 i K 25 21 I SU W Detroit 51 11 I 29 Z U ti Philadelphia K 52 21 1 31 4 43 W Cleveland 51 61 SO 20 O II at 1 2 Milwaukee 5 M 19 9 31 I Detroit 4 1 Milwaukee 0 O 7 i Philadelphia 3 Chicago n o 7 i Cleveland C G CWashington Washington 5 Ii C TOJA S GAMES aMES Boston ton at Washington Cleveland at nt Chicago Milwaukee at nt Detroit Philadelphia tit lit Baltimore Detroit I 1 0 I Detroit June JS Splendid fielding be behind hind hIld Millers excellent pitching gave the Milwaukee H a whitewash Im lug In larvin h l the loel to 10 three hits hilts up to tile the eighth ol Inning wh n hn hll l weakened and AnI WK WIll was hit for or three und and a double Attendance 10 L SCORE K It H It 15 R I RD Detroit D U 4 7 1 3 Milwaukee 0 7 1 Batteries Miller anti and Buelow Oar Gar OarIn via In and Maloney Baltimore 7 i i Baltimore June 23 Baltimore fell |