Show SOCIAL AND AN D PERSONAL PERSONAL Yesterday was the golden wedding anniversary of oC Mr lr and Mrs Irs Philip Phiip the parents of oC Mrs 11 Mayor Inor Thompson lu and the tho occasion was uns na cele celebrated In a reunion at their home hOle NoI No Xo 1 I le court The TIre children grand grandchildren grandchildren children anti and other relatives ww Were pres present iree ent cOt and 14 H ant delightful time was enjoyed enJo ell n a sumptuous being served serve and n the tho evening otherwise being being enjoyably spent Mr Mv II anti Mrs rs Pug le were married In I fifty Of years ago anti and andIn n ni In the year Y Rr following Colo their marriage I Kale came to 10 Utah where they have since resided Mr Ir started stalled the first Orl Strict grIt mill In Utah The he aged ged couple received man presents and an hearty i congratulations S Mr lr and Mr M Iq J E P Sears announce the t r their daughter Idythe I to Mr Ir Alfred AUrea J 3 S SS Mrs Irl Davis DaIR Rave gave a delightful to her friends Monday evening the participants being the of or I Prof Sullivan After ter the lie program which wm WR a very ery meritorious one on refreshments refreshment were served 1 Those ThOle tak I In the were vero MUses log part II program I McDonald Soher Wilson Wison and md Iel umes Mel Melton hl tun ton and I lavis HV and IUd Maura h and Ind Sullivan Those Thoe nt were el Poll leeve Green OrIen the a Hunter lice 1 nes 1 Durnford and an Me Uron Poll IolI and Heeve S a Among th the pleasant social Iclal affairs of oC the wick week pk was WU a 1 lawn lan party given by ly Miss Minn Marie Morris lorts In honor of Ml MIra II Y 18 mma Mortis Morris who will wIl leave m shortly for tor Brighton where she will wi spend part rf IC f tl summer ummer The porch antI and lawn wet wor decorated with wih Japanese lanterns and flag fR Little Mile MIR MiM IR Morris n d punch the tIm Ih evening Those Thoa who ho tn tl the affair were wern Emma J mR Morris Morn Marie Mario Morris Int Km inn in Addle un an annon non Stella llla Brown on Hazel Ia Morris Pearl tearl Flora Pinra Wll ox Ht ier laurn lurn Touti Mattel Matel Cowan owan Kate Mitchell Mint 1111 Hurt Pearl Ia rI William Morris It Mute e Ml Miss I II nning Stephen Clifford J tr Fergus Coalter Willie Price Harry flurry Vrn Vt rn Mere dUh c W Webb bb Andrew Berf Hor Hot nl ri Vincent VInent Wlmer Wimer Rich Mr Jami Heb Itoh h Ihn Don Mr Kendrick an art nine 1 Al t 1 Jay 33 John Johnson Johnson son linn l esler S a aGov rov Gov Go end nn Mrs II M 4 Wells will return If t next week S t I Mrs Mr n Theron Geddes Gf de and 1 O will win give a reception on OD July Jul Uth i Mrs David Moore Moor IY leaves leavell next week to spend pend the summer ummer In Cal California a a Mr Mn I Abial Leonard t MIl antI Mias Cam Cameron ron eron Le nard have bay returned from Call Coli Calla ColiA A I w a 5 Mr Ir fr and Mrs J 3 Cannon on Thursday evening entertained n a party of their friends at n a very VII IIO gathering The Th were II li library with r t p and the dining room with sweet awnet lIt peas pea An n Interesting musical program m wa was rendered l by 11 1 OM e Horace 1101 Apostle H H J S rant Irani Prof Im nod nm Pike Refreshments were wre are served and ami 1 assisted by b Miss II II Hello Belie HelleI the th hOt was Miss Richard Miss II Badger arid and Morris |