Show TODA VS REALTY TRANSFERS Following are arc ae real r r al estate transfers made In tho the of ot the county recorder up to 3 this afternoon Kittle M et at nl al by sheriff sherif to M 11 C Moon on sheriffs sherl s deed lute lote 25 26 21 2 and anil 27 block 2 J Edse wood addition 20 00 William Willam Roberts to Lena Hob fob erts warranty deed deell north half of lot Jot 6 Pitts Pitta subdivision of ot block 34 31 plat phat C 0 Salt Lake ko koCI City CI h survey M 1 0 00 William HOlers to Jones June warrant warranty half haU of oC lot lotI 5 I Pitts Pitta PIts subdivision lon of block 34 M plat pint C Salt Sni Lake City sur survey sure vey e 10 Alma J Gerber and wife to Sam Sara Samuel Samuel uel ad Gerber warranty deed one acre In southeast quarter of section 33 township 1 I south Bouth ran rante e 1 west esl Salt Lake meri merl meridian men china dian ranle clan 20 2000 00 00 FILED FIED AFTER 3 P M I YESTERDAY J 1 he following real estate transfers see filed bled ed after 3 yesterday Ceo Gey Clark to Lorenzo Lorenz 0 O Clark warranty deed It 11 I acres n rC north norh cst CRt or ot northwest quarter see oco tiomi i township 2 south range 1 ton west wes we t 5 1 lea Oco Morrow orrow to 10 Klenke menke warranty deed cleed 41 feet teet southwest from 82 feet reet south smith of ot northeast corner corer lot 8 S block 21 plat pint A 3 OO Gee deo L I Nye et ct ux to Ellis J Bishop deed 75 rods rodn south Fouth southeast southeast east Met from trem northwest corner corer lot 5 S block 13 plat F 1 90 Thomas Thoma Cow Gow et t nl oh to George L Ii I Nye Nyc quitclaim same lam 1 |