Show SOMI m SUH S The census bulletin on the population tion of ot Incorporated cities shows allows that bitt almost of ot the entire population lives lIea In such lIuch places There Ther are 1060 Incorporated towns lowns with in inhabitants inhabitants habitants which Is of ot the entire to total total total tal The ho subjoined figures give nn no Idea of or the this distribution of or the people p ople In the towns town and cities of at the country nt at the present presCot time Number umber of ot cities and over oer 3 and anih under 3 and under 5 anti under tinder 8 S and under 19 and anti under 40 10 2000 and under r 83 nUll under 63 52 1 2 l oo and antl under nailer 72 11 and under und r 76 75 and antI under 1000 52 and under 1000 fO to and under T 45 4 and under MOO 1000 75 7 antI under 93 95 mid under tInder 4 1001 unit under SOW 1000 II JOW 2010 end I nIl under SW and under JOW 3 27 2000 and under 2500 1500 nn nd under 2000 i flit ll 1000 amid M J 1110 I 11 V PAlO I and under 1000 1 00 WO The stale state of or New ef York has the larg largest large est eat e t proportion of ot Its Ita population living In Incorporated InC the percentage there being 77 New Jersey JuO la Is a n close second eoon with a 1 percentage of ot In MissIssippi this proportion la Is I the th lowest pt the percentage being only New Mexico comes comee close clou to with I 1 n a percentage of ot It ft Is also shown hown that there Lire 10 cities clUes with in inhabitants Inhabitants Inhabitants habitants or more making tin to aggregate aggregate gate of ot Inhabitants Tie The drift of pt the tho population towards the lie cities clUes hag ha licen very marked dur during durIng ing lag tho decade preceding the tho last lust census anti and anI it Ills Is surmised sunniest that thai In 10 another de tie decade decade cade about half holt the tue people J will still have taken up their abode In towns and ami an 1 cities Man Is a n social animal arid and de ao detents detests tests tents the Isolation of rural life Ufe When lien liena a system shall have 1110 been li cu adopted which combines as tar far as ns practical city life lIfo with agricultural pursuits there will be b less Immigration from the tho terra farm The Iho founders toun of or future cities will undoubtedly keep this In view |