Show THI OHIO CO PI Cn Gospel Work to 10 rc Favorably The Elders laboring In Ohio met In conference at Columbus Colum bUI June 16 and 10 All 11 of the Elders and a large number of ot Saints and were present Saturday was wal devoted i to council tn and the appointing of n the tho El LI Elders i ders Sunday at p in a R 1 crowd assembled and hf lu Elder Hl HI ak upon some lome of o tho principles of ot the Tho evening meeting WaR Mas Maswell well attended 1 Id and Elder Lund delivered an nn sermon upon the o ot revelation He was followed follow by It Elder The music was u furnished by byn n quartet compo l of Lund Iund NILle and Much Rood was WAI done by the confer conference ence being held In III this city dt All of ot the newspapers very wr fair of o giving extended reports of ot the conference One m was performed Sunday Pun ay morning The fhe work In thin stale ban haA progressed very vel rapidly since our last Int conference waa 81 held In OH em ember ber hr New countries cities len opened up and over OfT up have ha VI been LeNI Tho pros Iroll Il t were never brighter vir IH points to tit a All Allor of the brethren f l ari a large polton of If the th Ki of or GOd od and express l a Ii det II to tt put forth e ory effort to advance adan the work With the pc 1 nf nr rim or the the health of ot the conference is II v ery ry good We W arc all very grateful tor or the ew |