Show RELIGIOUS WORK IN N HAVANA CUBA Mission Boards Will Willi i Begin It This Fall ro ra Ii ItOh E EShe She Je an 1 I mid a 1111 Ham Will I heir Now New York Juno June 20 It Is IH the lie Intention tion of ot In his city to 10 begin work Vork In III tills this fall fail The rue board of ot home Is b tine one of them thu smut a and tid the tile ts l will viiI already 1 begun there lucre lucreti All AU ti Intend to 10 build 1 churches Jose Juse l Marx a prominent bust bush liens man of Havana Inter Intel Interested Interested ested III In the tie religious development of ot the H of at I that hunt alt city ima ha ban Just sailed for to em I Hamburg after atter several conferences with hoards boards heio hemi hal hallie lie He that hunt a n stone statue church erect erected ed ell In III Havana years Otto ngu as us n a place for worship bw hili u e tom for sonic some one cue of the time denominations Owing to 10 complications under rule mule thul his building was never used rue Tho building cost Mr Marx speak speakIng Ing lag of ot church conditions In III Havana naldi cald laId It Is mu a 11 mistake to ii a ume that lint Pro Protestant effort In III Cuba means of eit l ll Injury to Catholic interests thorn In Iii Cuba are 1110 about time tho same sama as they tile ore uro here bore Tint Catholic under tho thio present bishop Is making commendable progress against tre tro tremendous odds Olds I J nun uni not In lii tIme the coun counsels sels Ills of ot either cither hug Dip or lint limit church but bill am tim 1111 In III a position to 10 know a II good goud deal cleal about both bolh When the lie overthrow of ot Spanish rule cut out ooOO of the Catholic churchs Income ready read money canio canie front merit Europe l to 10 tide lIce matters over oyer Just now an nn effort Is be bc being beIng ing unmade made to pay PUY some Homo of ot that lint mono money back and tho the effort Is la being belli crowned crowne with success Wu sui Will Talk 1111 I Washington Juno JUliO The Chinese minister hns hins not taken cognizance of tho lie reported protest by h 1 certain Individuals unla against his delivering tint the Fourth l of ot July oration at nl Philadelphia The rhe I In iii charge of ot the celebration i have not brought tho thu matter to tu his bile at nt attention i and In time the circumstances hu lie In is Ingoing going to 10 0 k keep cp the appointment which line has been bee II made omo months I Gold Guill from 1 I Klondike Seattle Wash Juno June 28 The steam chum City of oC Seattle Sent till the lie second trens treas treasure ore ure boat Irani this lila season arrived lucre hero today with and amid a it 1 large hinge amount of ot treas nen I url ore There was WIS ns no Lit bank or Om company I gold It was nil all personal treasure I I T I 1 S 8 the lie owner of the famous anions I No to l Eldorado claim brought out Olt outI OltI I A party of o n twelve 1 milled him Mr was the lie largest o individual holder 1 The Tue united two days das at al 0 to 10 catch the lie Dawson people I Purser hail had sucks and bugs i of Sf gold ohl In luisi hi which he lie estimates 0 at It Many of ot time the passenger hud gold ul In iii their staterooms of which I they tile the would make no tin estimate and anti the lie i true estimate of the lie total brought out outon on the tie steamer cannot be lie secured un 1 lice Ice til Lii the time return Is made at nt the tho assay of 1 |