Show Out door Exercise Exorcise sires gives greatest gr good cooJ when hon It ii it is s sup supplemented by using In the time bath l Facial Soap It draws drawl the time sting of 01 sunburn heals meals chafes and bruises freshens and Invigorates orates Urn skin leaving It smooth firm firman firmant firmand an ant and J white r Cru rum CUM cars tied had ii I a lull b Scent ach reI Trill Total cit 1 p pache of o p aD stud t J 2 steers cum teats a 6 Nail Co Cu Sole Sale Agents Dept Dr pt HI iii 0 o 5 r STORED STORE C c A h h Ai L A rA INDEX N r OF F SALE ITEMS HEMS BLACK SILK ILK G MEW MENS SUITS S ITS JAPANESE j I RUGS PORCH BLINDS GIRLS APRONS BOYS i d Tops 1 TAB TABLE COVERS SHOES 1 PARASOLS PAR S lS i SHIRTWAISTS SHIRT WAISTS SILK SEPA SEPARATE E SKIRTS CLOVES CLOyES O V S g GUNS GUrlS JEWELRY JEV KNIT UNDERWEAR HOSIERY TOILET ARTICLES PICTURE FRAMES u it I H IH I H T t 1 GIRLS APRONS 1 I J HALF PRICE 1 1 T TH i H i I t H H IH H Made of ot white India lawns and checked nicely Iato and embroidery trimmed some In styles styleA oth others ers era rs with waists Pretty little gar garments ments that sell pell for tor Oe to i Sizes 2 to 12 ti years year CUNI Wo Ve want all nil to leave UK us during the tho needed l time lino for tor them and ni as n season Is U ad advancing now marked HALF REGULAR r PRICES White Shile lawn prettily lace lacu and embroidery trimmed sizes 2 to 12 13 kinds kind ylara i c to 1 HALF AIU II PRICES 50 Boys Waists Made Alle of t heavy hell white shirting plait plaited ed cd sizes 7 to 12 years re reo deed from 50 nO to tn toH H JL l OO Started Started Cushion i I Tops Price Lessened i I I H HH HH H I ICu Cushion Cu tot toms tors and anI 11 n 1 table covers of ot canvas cana for tor lItch work In III a 11 wile variety of ot designs All are part party Iy If y started co so P I you can cun follow the blend blendIn I In lag ng of at colors and Ind ways AK of ot making stitches whether you are an acquainted i with th the work or not The reduced I prices for tor Monday Montla and week Include mAteriAls to finish Prices The and Cushion tops tope for tor torI for limo thi I z s 01 forThe The 1500 table tAIJI cover corers for the time I SUO 60 for X the for tor CV 50 CO I SU 56 the 00 for tot Free Embroidery Lessons Monday Tuesday Wednesday of ot each week from 10 to 12 a Q m In and 3 to 5 6 p II in embroidery and Ane lace Ince ace making le lessons ons are ro given without charge Our Instructor In well known throughout Utah AS ae most comi coln competent Is II ever In touch with Ith nil all that Is It new nel and anel novel In these branches H H of off 1 t I f the War of f r L J We have only fifteen left from our lur recent sale de of or them All are arc of very Cry old pattern makes make so 80 of at course coune cour valuable only as all relics For a mans snuggery or smoking den are Interest t lag ng mementos Sold for Jl 10 CO 57 each ench while they lut c O Ec c C H i 1 A J A A AA AL J A D A A i A ANever Never Were Charming o g Black nm 4 Silk rr i 0 So Price Reduced g vv V vv VV J I vV VV e eI er j I r I ERE at no time have such exquisite Grenadines beloved of I I all women been offered so much under the regular selling prices Grenadines belong to all seasons are are re appropriate for any function calling or 01 street wear delicate stuffs yet their serviceableness is proverbial Better economy there be bethan bethan bethan than the purchase of a gown now when so priced Our buyers go o East within the next two weeks and and the great gleat desire is of course to get stocks in condition to receive later late I imports Therefore The fote this week the Grenadine cleanup Entire stock thirty pieces thirty different pattern designs divided into three lots thus Ten ren pieces Black Silk Grenadines that have been selling at to a yard 1 g O Ten pieces of to a yard Black Silk O 40 Grenadines 2 1 Ten pieces of most exquisite to a yard 3 60 Black Silk Grenadines nes I ri f i I I H H i 11 II II I 1 H I H I 1 I iI H II HH I i i Ir i Japanese Rugs Porch i Blinds at Reduced educed Prices iH H KM H 1 rII M MIt I H H I i iI i r I r H i Ii 1 1 r H II I I H rr rl i I d r i It Is conceded there a more micro sanitary floor revering covering for tor summer than limn matting We Re have hal u It nosh tro h lot of ot pretty prett and good wearing kinds and now while you OU need them mud and that we see may mn bo he sure then wont be any loft left here to tor parry carry r rr through the time winter considerable of ot the tho regular low price has hag been boen tak taken en on off o IT Monday and Tuesday only 1 Thirteen rolls of ot title fine Chinese In mixture effects well woven made to wear the th SOc a n yard at tho the extra heavy kind Hold cold nt at We Oc n a for Cor o Eleven rolls roll solid white while Japanese with characteristic dose close woven with linen warp the tho a lard arll for Cor Cc Gr and the tho Oc grade 1 1 t t u u n n nu SPLIT BAMBOO POUCH BLINDS time Tho usual charge chargo for tor hanging these Is III SOc In addition to regular price but those bought on all Monday or Tuesday luo will be put up without time the extra charge anti and priced the wide size the time 8 foot tho time C f and the time s I 00 COUCH Handsome tapestries GO 60 Inches wide nil all In rich Orl Ori Oriental patterns only twenty In the lot Monday and und Tuesday the kinds humus for tor the time Goo for tor the QC O 1625 the for tor torA 11 5 62 A small all lot twelve altogether of ot rugs Inches good colors good patterns t nI each 2 regular 1 1 11 0 rO t t Seven Sell handsome Brussels rugs rUiS opened freshly just Junt two Io days clays ago agoa a little group our eastern buyer sent along because so greatly under the tho they thoy should be size feet CM J 4 75 7 5 2000 each rugs at n n u Weve built a n very attractive Oriental corner to serve n liS as Illustration In tho the fittinG filling up of ot dens lIons cony cosy corners rockeries and the like Effective true In Idea ilea Worth seeing s II HH III H 11 II H I HH I I I I I I It I Silk and Kid Gloves j Part of Price Taken 1 Off orr I t tI 1 1 I H HH H I H H f omens silk mitts cream white shine and black sixteen button length most nest excellent quality sell loll for tor Be I a pair Monday and tho time week UC I silk Bilk gloves pink blue cna n and light green sixteen f batton length 1 regular for l lAll All of ot our kid gloves In III every size and these colors c lor white black red rN brown tan and mode two clasps for tor clearance nt Ill atI I H Hj I t f j Shirt Waist Jewelry J Thimbles Dress 1 i 1 1 Shields J 1 1 1 I oI H H H H Shirt waist t nets pins for tor waist front cuff curt and collar buttons In pearl filled gold and sterling silver sliver Monday Tues Tuesday da clu day y time and a n set net kind the till Ole for or Some Seine filled fill II gold and sterling silver silvertie tie lie chains while they last to ROo kinds for tor or I lC dt t c lerman silver thimbles with lIh loather leather ca case calK e and wax Monday Tuesday Wed 11 needs to reduced lI from Ito 10 I lUC Of Alko Atko antiseptic dress suicide no rubber no odor Monday Monds and anti the week weal time the k sizes ITc the Me for tor forMe Me lic the time for tor H IH HH H Hf t f Knit Underwear t tand jj and Hosiery H i HH II r Womans fine One whit otton vests veils with Richelieu ribbing neatly laco lace trimmed and gauze ll lisle Ie thread vests vents that eel 1111 ell for tor lO each Monday 7 r rand and amid the week We are closing out our tan stockings so 0 a chance for tor line good hose at lit hit littie little tie the cost Women tan cotton hose re reduced reduced reduced from Oo a OT pair to LV Childrens Children fine black cotton cotten hose hoe ribbed COo roo sizes c tnt the toe for tor Uc itc the K for tor 1 I H I HH i iiI I HH i i 1 i IF HH III H 1 11 t I H I H I H Hi i MENS 2000 SUITS 1575 H II HH I r Wo have of or these suits culls they th y been moving as an fast fat nu as should b ht bt and for tor no reason against lI the tho suits HUlts Just a II that comes COlliCK to clothing wiling sailing I times limes There are no smarter neater suits stilts In iii the tho store and to te I help move moe them the Made of or blue and black helot serges std anil unfinished worsteds also chevi ches cheviots t sal and worsteds wor In the tho new mw correct patterns of ot the present perfectly In n the way wily that till 1111 Walker Store clothing has hns be SI 75 come came noted for tor every size adze 2000 Monday and time tho week 1 y u Young Mens ens and Suits These suits hold mold all nil the time good goad looks that con can bo be crowded In him sell at nt Goo COO tumid and being splendidly tailored and amid made of oC superior quality mater moter materials Blue or black cheviots and brown teal and gray ray mixture effects able nt al n t first markings I Long onu trouser suits sulfa for tor boys boya of ot C 1 75 1 13 to 19 U years r J MENS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR Percale and negligee shirts In III pretty patterns lInt terns and colorings well cut good lilting uio shirts shirt runt to Lisa OSo and amid C 1 75 25 tho the quality to 1111 PI U Some Somme Manhattan negligee shirts nf ot nail and I till percale beautifully made famous fanmous for excellency of It lit IH attached and ail detachable duffs chuffs Cl 1 40 j regular for tor fu Mens and drawers In III tan light blue and pink 1 6 each garments J II ran n roue u en union suits for morn mon best lIesl of ot fitting garments blue pink 01 1 98 Q flesh lIe h color sell for tor nw now nosy r rt IU t Black and tan ton halt half hose a n pair kinds l C H HJ H H H H j New Summer Shirt ShirtWaists 1 Waists Lawns and I Silks H IH I H t H HA v vA A superb lot lol of ot white while lumen linen lawn Ian shirt shirtwaists shirtwaists waists arrived during the thu week Kresh mad and lovely with dainty embroidery trimming soft collars and cuffs curts and anil best beet of ot all nil marked at al a 1 less Ie price than equal qualities could be e nt at the begin beginning b Gln tiling fling of oC the line season Benson livery J lr size alzo 2 50 50 Special prices at 2 and OU Sonic Borne exceptionally pretty retty black and white taffeta silk waists fresh and new maw with tucks hemstitching cr or r lace trim trimmings small priced at nt 1 I to each ellch Shirt Waists at White lawn lan shirt waists waist with laun laundered tiered dered collars ollars and cuffs that formerly sold for Cor to each 35 while they lost last 1 I JC JCU C Ct t H H H I HH Up U to 2000 I r Taffeta Silk Dress 1 Skirts 1275 7 5 1 r J j I ii II I I II III 1 i i 1 Figured taffeta silk Bilk In light dainty dalty colors color for Cor summer un 11 with la lap lace Insertion on front m and ami rattle train lightly skirts but bitt only a 1 small group of ot them left M so from 1760 and WM 1 each to toI t 1111 I I Ii I i 3 75 White f Parasols I i I i j jOn Only On about two d In time tho lot so while tiny they thE lH last t pretty white while gauze and china chin silk parasols with whit three rattles some orne wide others other graduated sited natural wool wood and white handles reduced from 52 C it 50 CA OU each to V HH H I iH H Good News of Shoes F t and Rubber Boots h i J L There are new attractions every c ry few feel days lIas In III the Shoe Shoo Store now sorts are going quickly h mind leaving odd od lots that must mast find owners while tho thonol those not nol yet In a broken state sta te are arc being pushed out to make room for tor anticipated ed fall arrivals These for tor this week welk Warrens Womans button shoes light soles MIcH In InIze every size Ize regular r I SI 63 35 11 Dressy Drossy French heel shoes C 3 7 R 85 C were 40 t 5 o for tor Women tan oxfords with extension soles soIls In tour four styles and CI 1 OS 98 00 shoes for or nn OIO canvas oxfords OC anti and grades ralles handsome patent leather oxfords French heels Cj K Sif 1 45 kinds s t Mens MonR rubber hip boots for fishing splendid quality 4 t C Cat at nt T 1111 H H H I I I Toilet Articles i 1 Picture Frames i T I 1 i H i IIiI HH I n i i HI i Aurora Eau dc tie Cologne In four tour ounce bottles Lot that sell for tor Monday Tuesday 57 Wednesday OIL C Madam Du Pros Prays Aromatic Tooth Lotion excellent preparation for tor the thu teeth and gums bUntS Monday Tuesday Wednesday IA the flOo 30 30 bottles hottle for tor UL C Pine Pane Tar Cocoa and La France Franco Hose toilet soaps good kind nil all large larli Ilz rakes that sell eoll for tor lOc each Monday Tuesday a Wed h 7 c Heliotrope Mignonette hose HOllo ant and Violet favorite toilet three cake cako boxes instead Ins toad of ot Me Monday day dllY Wednes 17 lC 17 day C Pretty little picture frames names of ot gold goldor in inor or oxidized metal that will not tarnish Iud curd and t rises Monday Tuf Tup day 1111 flue th Xo ado and JOo kinds kind for ISo the We roc and S e for tor 37 c 1 it 11 r Tt tv n e I |