Show WOMANS Of S A COMM I Segregation Se of Vice Ice It ii Declares U is isI I erti huh us In I U lri Principle ii iii ie I New te York June Jimmie 29 The womans committee of at New II tv York At n mu mans mails meeting at itt t Prohibition park lIrk I Statin Inland believing 1 It declared d f that thaI any uny attempt to segregate S or regu regulate regulate late vice ice IH hi It pernicious In mm principle and ml In practice pledged Itself by resolution to the support of or principle pie without regard to parties or Indi Individuals Mrs Irs Anna M to Jackson in her opening address H spoke trong tron un on the lie proposition for or the lie reg reI regulation elation of ot the social evil and l the tIme theom Vollum om n to work strenuously against It lImpers ot the various tee Lees what hind had already ady been tone lone and what It Is l proposed oll to do ito doHy doI Hy I far tur the tIme greatest of these was Mary My C Amiable of or the tho He ear er ervice vice In Iii child chilli saving of the dl deputy uty sheriffs appointed In 1900 lOo by h time the Kin Kim county W V C e T P U who Iho ha hii 1 till this consent of ot the sheriff fur for or time till if tit showed statistics In support of her statement that child chill vice vlee hell had li bemi n reduced The ho effort of ot the hue union to oh ob obtain tain lain a probationary court similar to tolie the lie Chicago C childrens court count promises Both Iloth projects will be taken up by bythe b bythe the New York women Mrs Charles Russell nU sell Lowell Lowells municipal committee has bias already nl 1011 II waited wa II NI upon the tIme magis magistrates with a n view Io to securing the ap RP apt t ointment of ot women an ns probationary when the tho new charter charier go goes s Into Inlo Time Ihl worst went place th that lint t exists In this city h Sarah J Bird of at the rf I committee c it I down about the neighborhood ot itt f lI tec and n J t x If 1 Is not done doni we will be destroyed Ie troed like Sodom amid nn Go Ilo momi mnina Meetings In halls lihi nail churches churchel do iho not touch louch this Ihl tenement house vice And Dull and blood Is down there lucre ax as well ehi an as money We propose to open n a to 10 keep It open night and anul tiny day and to o 0 have a 11 welcome ready rea y for tor nit alt who come |