Show MUSIC M I Luil 4 Mine lle Melbas 4 brother Mit Mitchell MItchell 1 chell who Is II at lt the time front In South frics Is II to mAke his hll professional de tie debut hut but this thI summer He lie lt U is I a 1 tenor and ammil has haw studied In Italy Ial and The Tue Sll ler was sas Wi produced at lt thi theater New Nem Nel York lat IRet Monday nl ht Judging train from from tIme the press resa reports It I has ha mimetic a n great hit hi Fran Iran FrancU cU els rl Wilson played the time lending leading part and Foy loy Is II second comedian Adolf of this city cl has Just md hint two t 0 tones songs published In om In Chicago They lher are entitled For You Alone lone and Sits Shi Thought Her bier Love Lve In Vain The News IS ac no acknowledges receipt of copies the celebrated Norwegian composer er has ha entirely recovered his hil imI health At t the unveiling of ot tutu the Ole Hull Hul statue In Bergen Norway Norla the theother theother other day clay a he conducted con the lie first per ler performance of his new Cantata written wrilen In honor of the fatuous famous falous violinist who like hike Grieg was wits horn born In Horgen Barcen Mme mp Calve Coho Is II at nt her hor farm at al Avoy Avey AIe ron mu where she sue has hR nn un Invite Invitation InI tion from ream the municipality of ot HOlle to 10 preside I nt at lt the artIstic fonts feats which will viii wi pes bi ie held theme this month In Tim a rL aletter aletter letter leter published In time the 11 French papers she elme he hiss has ha accepted the office She SIte may la laIn go t In Convent Harden nard n later In Imi the tho month to 10 sing In Isidore On thu Laras opera with as chief tenor lenor C nor |