Show AUTOS IX I iI In ln the hue Immense California wheat wheatfields fields leitis the hue modern stam traction in 01 a gin or an tie thy thu tire m celled called have cheapened limo tho cost coat of or liar har harvesting vesting on Wi the lIme to so that limit can enn Iw be thare rv At nt I HS as cost than haiti n 11 the tIme Argentine r I pub hub public lIe Ill heto where farm tarm labor OaSIS cols only huh It M trac traction rime linn Ion of lit a n dollar per day Ja These Ih e laige lar traction tuitIon engines I of or tIme the wheat pre lire ot of if fifty tifty flU horsepower and era art ar provided with tul t lu wheels sixty six ty In Inches ches thue In lii diameter They rh llie are made e to 10 do tin dothe time the plowing planting at itt atthe the lie proper in the lie spring they lucy drag ding dm across the o wheat sixteen plows four tour Ix tool and a Incas presa drill for planting the seed need wheat heat sheat In III tills this way one ono uch traction engine the hue trl I ni iio lo work of ot plowing situ and phui Ing IlIg rug nil all In iii one cue Weekly |