Show Y V V FOR FUR A BUREAU OF FORESTRY One Will be bo Organized in Ui the Interior Department WHAT W SEC Wll SON IS DOI O iii With iIi Vt r non 11 in Kind 1 of t remit I In iii of tied Sugar New Now York June 29 Secy Hitch eli after the cabinet meet i lug says a it Washington dispatch to th tim the theIrl Tribune Irl une that he lie Is preparing to organize or a bureau In tho the intone Interior department to carry carr out an arm system of ot somewhat o othe on om the plan successfully pursued In Ocr Ger German many man It Jt was too early to go Int mt Into details he hc said sold but the time President am ant antI his bin colleagues were satisfied with th tim the practicability of or the scheme and amid I Im Impressed in pressed with the tIme results which could coull b bi e in III restoring the LIme rapidly die appearing woodlands of the tIme country countr Secy Sec Wilson reported on the time wor work worl of lila his department at the tho cabinet inett meet Ing lag likewise Afterwards he said laid saidI I 1 told my associates what we wo an art doing doln Now Ness Nil In iii tobacco This Timie coun COUll country try sells worth wurth of or and buys of high price I varieties We havo to pay for Sumatra wrappers Now our de tie Is III teaching the time American peo 10 pie lulL how ho to produce that III In the tIme United 11 States Wo We 0 took time the th gold gall medal ul at ni nithe atthe the tIme Paris opposition exposition for tor or time the Pu Suo matra tobacco We have hae been een for or tIller filler tobacco jem I Hr I year mostly Cuban We are conducting ex ox experiments now nosy III In this line lne of or production lion tion ton with wih the time result that we hope hop to tc sec cot PIt most of or the filler tier tobacco pro produced produced Produced in Ia 11 the time United SUites For some Ime of the tue very er varieties we 10 may to tn go o to time the th tropics to Patio oro flea H eo Hawaii or the time Philippines but ut It will wi If he 1 only a I question of ot it time IIII when time the United States will wi produce pouce all al the tobacco It wants We e have been n Importing to Improve our lur own oln crop cruJI In the time United States macaroni has hl I been be n thought Inferior to the time Imported Importe and time the reason for this Wil that we did id not have hR suitable macaroni wheat WI We se have Ille corrected this KO so 1 that 10 0 MO will 11 lie he grown In this coon coun country cun try this year er solely for tor the time macaroni meals macabe It I will IM he only a 1 few tow years year betor we make makl all ll our own 01 macaroni The Th agricultural department Is he t now ni w II m man lan to the time rice rie growing ln of time the past east A scientist who hu is already returned Japan hues lias hal brought nought MH of or rice rIc 1 ito o much mor nore suitable for the gulf ul roast coast GMt than that which we formerly foner had Ird that we wear ar ire now nw producing most moat mot of or the tim rice that 5 we need nl and shall soon produce luc all al that we ve use life The rue or broken r to we WE are ar 01 already sending to Porto PortoRico Rico TheN will wi 1 IJ over forty bet beet sugar In this year ear They Time ase thrown out omit Olt the Imported d machine Already 11 Na I both oth In held and factory mu md an are aN using American inventions that ar ire so 1 much superior that we 1 expect I i t great Ilat development In iii the business s srim Tt rim a Ila far men mt have he borrowed an lea Idea II rem roin the ho oil nil 01 companies At t one of ot the oldell ld st In the United State In tah tali taim they the have built bui three mule arund iron ml the th factor factory one ont of ot them thin It n mUe away aay from fr which they run the I from rein the factories In pipes 1115 to th tI the station ston Kastern J capital Is I developing the he l beet heet et sugar sur In Indu du tl In time the arid states tn through Ir In tin Arkansas valley van vail for tor austere factories have Io been n mt up Park Situ Silo Approved 1101 SU St ft Louis Jul Mo Io June The Worlds Worl pair air national at its Is session lal let at night nl ht approved the Forest Park its Ite and an adjourned There Tere will 11 not oe De a another session 1101 of ot I lit body hod od y until ii a t hi tie the of or plan an a ad of the t iii iX 1 1111 has Imas hA mull suu it lIW l i giess eec as aa to tl I another meet mir ag Miller lynn mini Allen Allun left Ifft today for fur their thel te me Ie hOl l Carter tarter and III Mr ir Scott will wi ail anil Hit accept the time Invitation of tue local company to ac ite accompany IC company them thein I hi emmi to Ii U on n Sunday ii iI will remain In time the city clY until tomorrow when he lie will still 11 leavo leao for fOl his hl homo Gun nl Una I ns iii Ion Washington June W She The of or war WI has lias hal telegrapher Lud Ludlow rII low t to 10 come comae lome to Washington tulI fur fr examination and ani treat treatment ment Then Gen en Ludlow has hIlI JUt Just at arrived rived at mit San Sen Francisco ft fro em I tIme the Philippines lie lieIs le II Is from tom flavid it I until Dead rAtI New York June JUle 29 David hirsch president of the time Defiance Cigar tom corn company tomp puny pany p n i Is III dead at itt his home hOlA In this city cl He lie le wits was born hor 73 78 i years yearn ell ago 10 In Iii II Germany He lie le emulated diluted In lii 11 the lime army ann ami served nerved for a n number of or yours years eurll In Africa In 18 Hit 8 iI ime eRnie came to America and made his huts home hUle In 11 St He lie le enlisted In the time confederate army arni i us a II In II time the civil I war Mr dr Ir hirsch 1101 an tin ni Interesting I I a g collection CL ho mu of souvenirs of or the th war had ml n ml number of letters Davis written to him by Iy Jefferson |