Show make your entries early at the WM this lavery la important ou on the h whole bole it Is not win wise to limit the competition at t a live stock show to the animal owned in the given county or tale otate open the lie doon to them from rom brood abroad so 10 that farmers and breeder era may see HP and learn earn from the arity or inferiority of their neighbors as 01 the be ram emoo may lr premiums in aeye rate its claw may be so that the brit beat animal owned outside of the girou reality or state may have oui otie prize the heel ono owned in the given county or tate tale another if a handsome lian deoino hornyeri horn leri ball bull or heifer ralf in boru born lu in a limped lierd herd that out mal lony rally be L aged 1 as a baila of a dew new herd berd of the family which iball shelf I 1 b bort ilum persistent breeding la in this lu in each cane can arous boni leee fired sires nud and dame would iu in a few generations produce the hor horaites herd breeding for early maturity boa ban reached each such perfection perfect lou that now a war hog sheep or can be pro dubeil lu in half hall the time it used to take and the animal weighs heavier 1 and maibel letter meat then the old time me one did the price of blooded animal maintain of all kind i in england it requite as high baghai as Is 1 america at a eale sale in south warwick biro hire recently a sk ana shire mare old gold for while a rood good bay gelding brought JIO litter of piR iwen abold for 53 abile boan boarn of first quality brought 20 among cattle the keenest geoe competition was in the aberdeen an fw gun family two year old liti heifer fers of this breed cold sold for from 60 to SO 81 |