Show noto now t net baud d a fire to arrange wrings a fire I 1 well a simple and alli well known process require requires alue judg ment it tiro the paper I 1 Is put on tie fie bottom of the grate grates the method empio ed by 99 out of I 1 00 end and the piece pieces of w wood ad too large the iron of thi grate abeen eta the beat so much that it will lica have enough to kindle the wod or if it Is does tale fire are the combust bus ion it is too feeble to set get firo i ii the coal that aro are heaped von it il the atter way it Is to have come some pieces of choice ble coal and to lay a few pieces plem at fint first on oil the bottem of the bare buts but without covering coveri rg them entirely then lay on the paper cr c r batinga ba Tinge then the wood and sad o 0 that bome ia pieces about the cite size of eggs and to fine coal when the whole ii is kindled let it burn bum up before adiv more coal ocal is in added the coal laid ai at the bottom will tako take fire by the time hat the wood if is nearly burned oat out and will by ita its flame keep the are if a I fire ie Is thoe thas laid and kindled them if is CO no reason why vill it shoo beald ia go oat out |