Show A trait trust that might be there ii in a certain fini financial ancial combine oot got yet mad made that who defend the trusts have apparently not considered the of tb the formation of each a combine i is the most eriole argument a that can be brought industrial upon one particular branch of industry all the others ia in this great gat country depend for their meters their existence ta intact faal it ij Is the carrying carry ing industry indi the ct of freight and pao engen the sugar trait trust coald mid not eglit exi it A u ulm railroads and transported its product products neither could the standard oil nor the tobacco combine agrical tore lure manu kanuf act fact area arm u are an alike at tho the mercy of the railway car cu and mud the steamboat apt us surpooe all the railroads nill roade in this country should unite coder under one dislodgement with one executive board at their head bead this board would b be the debrot of the carrying trade its will wil weald would be alo lute talk of huttl D 9 op UP aur or arar truit trust could take from all the tropic of the country bat but a bare living and it could tale this too except that each such a pub would act be ioor or its it lote to ono or two of the western states bare have known what it wool to be in the grav of a single railroad line all dependent on that line were rendered stagnant st Anant by the he exorbitant freight latest aud and ty by the power of the road ai all ezer exer cisca the legislature to prevent compe I 1 lug hue lines from froan entering the eitam we have only to suppose that of cue late state the whole united states should boo id be placed noder under the heel 0 at a duniy I 1 t transportation morlo monopoly poly the milli atin of wretches who built the pyramid of egypt were oot not more object slav lam than the of this united states would be to if each much a transportation trust were fori formed tined it would be well to coniber con cou iier siJer whether the complete reco recognition Guition of the right cf of corporations to combine freely would not lead logically ia in time to the formation of och such 14 trust as a bai ban been herein agge eted |