Show elm LOCAL NEWS NF WS wheat at t VI 91 1 I olat 01 cr of VAS a I 1 price rim I 1 a ewt e wt tuesday it romanet WM was aen tinty rent pent oo 00 saturday A i U of vi vrna ruall WM was a M halll I 1 bo u agnest on saturday the highest price allowed at lower lowet tuf tore store for etain and bide J U aiu lla swab simon at 12 2 W per lead ChIp cahpman mail an american fork cattle man was a price 1 friday I 1 lt asit Cloyer nor well wells bai has issued his lit gevirt tm Is stion tor for foy 1 n I 1 ember 95 4 1 bercant be ber meant dell made a trill out to brock inspecting 1111 a the hi telegraph line dont forget bat that friday U he dy war r f aeb eab lish tirite emery county com company rany D W Wi ot 0 danter a it well known colorado clon contractor tractor waa was a price early in the week salina erwi mr an anil mr 1 on son and little ion eon tt if helper 49 af visiting relatives and friends ilen dj in salana J 1 L I 1 V 1 coal I company lit avier jo isitt 1114 i his family in laver X mary shafer lost week t from cisco where abe he baa kad axx it keeping I 1 hoe for her brother brot ber john M bt ft V came in arc frera ra provo early in I 1 lb he week and made a quit k ti tiep I 1 P T it to as to 9 ye jf st erday Pyra 11 spring oly my lucent t attorney kofford jett for catl valley week where be will MO his 1 A ilam le has tuned toned to W Ja cleor aged 29 ot 0 and anti ua ida may vim van aged if IV of mapleton tl 11 a halafau of molen wa was a price F hii ot or late lt lost we k and did not folget to call and arrange for the continued veto of the advocate Adro cate to bis his home f t U V Tood trani and J E johnson casie came ia is 2 1 to met the attorney attorneys buege and K X hing in the le junction mw caw The arty larty 0 kit for Catl cdale snoday sunday svening rows and it IL singleton of american fota brother brothers of ibo the popular sr ic perin of he the berron coop co op price on monday on their way k its to attend to some court W matters atten la denter poet three trampe tramps arrested at willbard will hare a bearing as oon soon as a ibe ewy attorn caa can be found thai that has freva mahy gone into tent P ai oo 00 T rement until be he recovers from the aw ft C dobilot wy H aiu shill ont ant A D uli were pile I 1 visitors jo wf in from ilia atwil neutered 11 untie 81 1 the 1 uit wet inal it 11 on castle Pro Prof feor emor nielsen anil and clyde oyde novella gave a isac la in mhd 11 rard word home house aitor 1 aeh i I 1 win arnold and wife limni price on bl arly cn n ion to for X southworth of pf cutilli costill i 8 ring ringe who with lib 1113 brother own th alil it I kulaf resort wi was a price visitor tuesday mn mrs 11 II C smith rr larnol 11 from ou on thursday 4 via 1 arett I 1 axt u dy days it 11 II Cul bullits lits ili bo birger sc belog log cil im chino men returned frow A wet wk it a visit to vernal vf mil la in ibo ho autt rest of bf com pany W tu bryton brother of PC estoff toi cirel ni rel from OJ ja 0 I 1 n prid gly aub began work as operator at tile depot hi Z giles came in to aiom vermil he has been teaching to a clu cs in manic music and ou wednesday left for a trip through emery county rho flatt flat it lot of Erg liall white algur d awl and decor decorated attil semi porcelain ware jat jaa in line and examine the emery county mercantile company t lt win J D horne n from ilia ibo pott post ou on tuesday and left for or salt lake morning where be he will remain or a few days when le be will re r itic am to itil ib toot bot capt win wn II 11 beck indian gent agent re d in broto aln agton ali whre re lie ie was called tied alb lib bo the indmon chaffa to confer with tho the beat belttary tary of the interior and en on monday ifft left fur for the MUTa tift david 1 prior of c fork posed tia price to wil crerie will assume tha tt academy made by be calloni ol 01 E wall ona on a lut last pring you are cordially invited t 0 t rny my goods and price prices you can are save from af Z to tier per cent no trouble to how show goods or price them for ton my tock stock is 1 no ia in every line L lowenstein Lowenn tein price robert lubert mckune bas bag purchased chased N X a loge interest Int erect in the ilotti clarko clarke and the will hereafter be wn by mckune ft cotner lit mt spalding aliling Bp baa has returned to payton abo new management ara M in the be fi B ij 14 fir fr business and will conduct a brat clau clam house will wu bo be a grand tall aai ht lit tile lie price town w hall ful lowel I 1 y an a oyster supper t clot ke on fa ailjay iday bight light of this abi we 1 the clyde anne tholo darton ond ind jamn cst C st laway who are ar ketting getting it tip will give 1 the loer of terpsi choto a taro treat X ayi 00 Fraud sta ati wall once a re silent of lit plessant Ples saut now of frice stab was elected to 0 o the cill e 0 of codo cilman of that uty on an in lepon tic de it ticket ly ty a largi majority the focal paper speaks 1 very highly of lir brandsen rr andsen 1 M alye ax will ill te ie nn an apron an I 1 cap danco lit t tip ward house on thanual attini ayo T ning under the auspice of ho he Y L al 11 1 I association the following commit committee lea on arrangements a delightful afisa mary story lilly line pace bryner and nd maine the receipt receipts will go to llie the arso 0 Mc lation clation ast before going fo artes newa news las bits beta from luicie county which would indicate that great interest lole reet is 13 balog 11 taken iq tle the huntington inlall kill in cuk court at on at anil and canes tare n re b ia aa ex arnlund and a gr greater eliter portion of the tile week will probably bly bo be commuted la in talc tak frig lest linov I 1 9 A grand inn ical and da dr ramallo amalio ent enter balum 11 nt at will be 11 girn 1 a I lye binga NuTt 27 dwier ill tho of eigle eagle lodge no 13 bof I 1 11 of the participant Cast legates a belt twit attis ts are pressed lato into service and a rare treat will be given lovers of aud uil druia I ruia Ls lb indio irions are that ibia this will be im a ricord breaker fur for anit t rate fuld and but still the daughter loves to ho lie abed lute title on w wahl ay iy aill dream of the light haired i 1 v v ho ij is to come out of space i lathe a the near auturo and beg a for or lier tier band nud aud bairt with alf the yearning ofa of doit dog sitting by the kitchen table and lagging for a autio talog isto much caser easier than skating ap and down a wash board and the ima 1 fragrance a of a lore love lit castle belts beta the real amea of aped ftp socks sixteen ento 1 a J it IL wren who ie is well known to the people of eastern utah aud slid at p avith J 0 klupacs in the bluest at berron cattle in with his hi wife on monday light la in answer to a tt legram from froin mra mrs wrena loma at maroch conveying convey lug the 1 tion that her mother inot lier wai was dangerously ill alm wren halstend ha stend to her ra natheta thetA b baide and late bat 1 her husband tho the I 1 leasing information that lier tier mother was convalescing mr X r yn lynn returned ret arned to ferrou yesterday yeat erday it ha has finally been d daid cid d that the stake academy adelay Ac ia is to bave a new bada ing that will 21 2 L Ommo lAts a 2 pup la Is we ate ale informed d from a reliable oarce alit abo work of g talog the for ih liew bu build illing ing wit w 11 bo ile tuie this fall audibe and the cear b next summer r the local authorities havi the sl rovAl an I 1 support of the gerie raf chit ch author ties in the new build aa tha emeral desire la a chave 0 have it guilt upon the bublie tao tre 1 ai t on fritty john candrew inter later preter rrth with enaux mccook sim attilip ely glodow anil the andua Alb aodra audra retained from aul oa on a lift 1 ft for the all it im 11 cepol 1 nw iti lifs cam in tron front the I at I 1 ay all I 1 lift tar C 1 it ir cipron will alky located I 1 larr ill frig ilia signa al artire he iw t 0 o lindlar lint lar near ban Frat clato 81 ifft on an mon fay 1 rn rn fn log with he ijler for tall LI white o swell wai ari turned ever over to the warden of ilia penitentiary mr sit allred rt turned to price algat aa |