Show the tho kloct alvale shovel now X 16 contributor to 0 the rational national blockman stockman I 1 hato have helped to plow I 1 clift eds ct ewt tc lil bib ia ali ici gie bootel plow and till there in i DO no bodetti farm hup lemut that ice a work in fit tiac latey fy lonar or clay clays that have leess racked packed ly by heating rain offer aring planted thi thin old ini im has lu been ri tactically discarded by growers hire lilt many yram lot pome hato to iti its me use hi this fea ten cm nud tile th flow weak work with it is mill pay if any ny work la in ao 10 potatoes pota toce payi pays this year the above gronlid AN ali practice was to run cloo close to thin row tow rith a loi lot g aud and very the plow stock k held at iorli ou all augle angle that bat the of the shovel 1 actually want under the hill the foil lu ill the lowi towe ie Is in many fielde ihil this year rocked ly by rain fain aud mud no eclis cultivator 1 ran be so 10 rt t that 1 l rib in ill the tow may be lob reined fo to veil well an it Is dolls with it 1 dakil p one side ft cl the tow row st t a time if f tle li orl cf a two broo cultivated arr act rt at the angle we re tirril to 10 hold the tb incle single shovel they loulu lift the pj dot out two tuo arri acres a day vt in railed called etya ya wok aad and thil this meimi low lot tle start fil life abo abor r with moll lu in the be hill 1611 bow how talus bad made it 3 after g p and 1000 I cw roil lu in the bill is a la in potato growing |