Show t THE PIGEON LOFT I 1 lets fuir all to ardla nr dla 41 ua 41 P ajtai cur lu in tx do not mue Ostray estr ir si taut abot select a few pain from frota k loft tbt that you ton know kail has the ilia type bird of at which lich o 0 tp proT abo breed t their lave always good birds bat that cau can bo be obtained a at ria oress carefully breed birds for as few low maalou inter other trani strains all nul you will b ed what be b buado lua my hoit atmo should cf of too cloo close inbreeding appear go to the th same lofts aud and it reliable fanciers vill ua it 11 I 1 yon you lave something of the same blood although wide enough dispart ft alt your purposes and it Is i only by thit this menu menus tuy any fancier cau hope to fix al ft a type iu in shape or la in brewing good stock and oil how abow bit the ban baus of the boig I aier li to tbt dwa to buy every fresh bird ho he te net a und anolee en olee its 11 who does till this will never make a tiamo name for films df elf or fix at a type la in ilia loft bat hat any astute fancier coald could net not fill tod tei excy it ho he FAIT w them JSam ind mil ll ol 01 hullm way away iu ju another martof part of ilia ille country mon wort ow over the general i I 1 a a crowd ed loft of mediocre xu ocre specimen ic ciraci r ih hore and there a it good our one with whitis hlat be he can do istl 1 hluz t man DOD of at action a alou to pursue he lion wadig his morning visit to his OIL it is isaAl to pacify the he action of the birde birds to first supply decin tio froh fresh food and then to lacno lc no stud the drinking fountains foni tain this done doue a look can be taken nt at tho bo MON towo bow low the sitters ahro o 0 themselves nna that the iu ill iho cawed th ouight and also tosa to low tho at art caring fort for their heir you konug u aft er tr the birds li ii ITO ire bu fed and inspected and alie given a chanco to fard the then tue exits can lo 10 opened bibich in every wall bo be clonch at nights and the old 04 birdia bird be I 1 allow alloi rd ed to take atch open air exercise ai on athey they are io accustomed to hilo the I 1 loft a ie tho tile csuti cleat cleaning ting cau call be given nud and tile lol gme rally net to lighte grain that lii hu tren cattel catt ml from the pac cr licett n should be cj an if net coiled rolled cau bo be dried nud and avd over again many pigeons have a of abd tbd bd grain rain froni froal lido fide to aide ily thil rj etto cancu Is U on oil U 0 c floar which it nol no gatli crid bp tip b be r if abo ria ie aad uy after this aw all brej bouti a lath balb can be arranged fort for 10 lo and ahei possible blo ebli fis baat kitfu out of doer and ou on the crocus if it the t of the be loft Is I 1 tuch ni As net la 40 admit ot 0 the this ehni the bathing paus pans can be pieced oil I 1 lie fioco vat ehtee ea pans can a tw I 1 ct of a flu find to suit tho of i 11 and lufi cf tle the fati fancier cler at al er the 11 s warl lia Ls been lier formed 10 lo I 1 ads rda cau can oc I left aft to alem ua elves and slid tao call RO go about lili 1 I bu slums about I 1 13 2 a little freab food cau con bo be ala iu in the hopper ot 0 pans ill be enji lell ly I 1 alic which liac diac now neu frow their incubating datie by the ra inist ailt and it if vana frith water may inny ix im placed i i aln fo jacalu about 4 or 1 t la to the after local a A littia alth canary or orr crspo peed i lo 10 l o it is a treat cud J J I 1 ija lit A acas cinca I 1 it will till alway lo 10 0 l o ou on baduj ut at fac lc ainu to iccino it ae As the daiy alosca eta aud and oil all have bare chosen their pl flirt bets tor for the night mhd exits alio il I 1 il CIO cload d and it every ii is imad to bo iu in proper cy loft cati can lo 10 closed fud cud f t await the coming cf lay poultry monthly Mout Mouth bly ly |