Show THIS MIS IS HOT STUFF tammany tactics in the shade IT I 1 BIG FIGHT john E ingle replies to the scurrilous charges of the late election I 1 0 feco nm nor ie Is ito it would appear from what I 1 hare have learned doting my short stay hero here that the murmur murmurs of the tb recent election contee tb ibia usually har harmonius barm osuna monous burg throw throws the tb price battle wui tUy la ia ux a woul wool I 1 cause tiger tammany to blasts if it all reports be true were to rot for instance the judge ot of we was looked upon as an in important factor in the the regular sp we was f known to be a little tardy in bis Us habits AJ As the republican nominees did not look upon him aa as particularly la to favor of their ticket they took adran tace of thu this fact bad a substitute lit t the pov poll lug ing booth beare seven on election day and as the regulars regu 11 larl r appointed appt latea judge did not appear at saven aa as required ed by law promptly at two minute minutes after the he boar hour a substitute was worn in a the pro teat of the regular appoints appointee who appeared eriv a minute or two after wen were aroll avail the usual acrin ous charyce incident to a hotly funghi acht were freely indulged la los very serious chargee are bing b ing made nude As to illegal toting voting but ae as your representative auald not 1 cate the troth truth or falay fatally of these charges be does not deem it fitting to farther allado allude thereto A Indi crous incident attached to tha eyt is the apparently authentic led fact that of the city appointee appointees was discovered on bis his knew fervently praying for abo tb success of tho the head of his ticket and the end is not yet in fact it to a a mooted question if mother election will not hare have to be hell held it appears that the registrar of election WAS also a candidate for a member 0 9 the town board the gentleman it la is claimed had sent in his resignation aa as registrar bat but the muna court not being fa in bealon 1 there was no one to accept hia his resignation ignation rca the fact remains remain however that ho he aa as registrar in au all election la in which he be bad I 1 direct interest being a candidate fur for office at ott aid said election that he discharged bla his dade duties impartially as is ad mitizi la Is not to the point the ler jar states that a ia is prohibited from acting in the dual capacity above indicated the question arise arism does this invalidate the entire clec election tion and if go what r um should be taken very conserva conser ratiTe Uve opinion bolda holds that the cuoci cU if Is TI vol I 1 and that another election eunit met be to had or every act of the newly elected board during abele two years incumbency such AS the granting grinta mg of deeds etc would by be null and of no DO effect effects causing cawing a hopeless jumble in title in years to come the opinion of attorney general hia has been asked for and la Is t waited with anxious interest inte reet while punning running theae these investigation investigations of the hot time in the old towel town en cn election day I 1 called on merchant john Es ingle late candidate for mayor on th the I binns ticket tickets mr ingle I 1 r r much incensed by the babion letb rue thas ids used 1 and scurrilous charges made enbom Q rea 1063 hie his defeat and a butement eUte ment made the cola cojanu z wf rf tle advocate relative lattre re to the circulated ashe alleges to hia his candid candidacy 7 ur bazle said aid I 1 it baa has been charged tbt I 1 left the democratic party to seen secure a face by becoming ft 4 candidate on the ticket tola his and other actori 1 I were irot circulated circa by they atho tavo been beey obligated to sae ins for favors arora in the past put bowing a trait of chara ChArise that ia Is not tot enviable aa asa a matter of fact I 1 ras not an al for thia this nomination in fact waa was cot not at it the caucus and was nominated a without being consulted by ilia the cirisa cit laena ticket waa was mainly a it democratic oa MI and my standing in the party to too to be affected ly I 1 y thia this rabble 4 again agall cle county from hia this lly city whorled among the hii his chief argulye argument lit being that 1 I ac elected would prevent pe leodler pt aIng here on pay ray days and at other time I 1 I 1 hall bad no 00 afif what I 1 should hure hare dond in thia this in ill the edeus of elec tipa but dut as A tax rarer about 02 32 1 per year in tax on I 1 could lubly ask of h authorities pro tc action tIOn mgt these itinerant denler yen ler ate ire of the did not idy V 7 in I 1 it aar fear fears cf of hie this nature bat but ia in reasor tease cl i a strictly lature ture I 1 atko this statement ia in justine utice to myself if I 1 alij 1 I bacalso J 1 with wish certain oi to know now that I 1 am perfectly WU ij awan aware ot of lb t lit dirty voik welk done and by whoa whom 0 |