Show RIGHT AROUND HERE 1 the week weck s doings chronicled for READERS E RS emers schools are much crowded new buildings at helper 11 arif ft I 1 lay toy was tin hit closing oloff ct dr for oar first ali ft term of school wilh has hall been coin plated without interruptions something L be dong dom lu in be the near future for a it more note commodious school building bull dlug there here ie Is a sufficient number of ofa nf manol aird to emeit cm y tarm ito ten irr and a good attendance for each vach etoy chit chil km urn will bar have to bo be refused a amit bauco to our for lack of ailbe capacity the two department ar are at ready crowded and from front ato 0 to N are yet tt cat out of school and intend starting oon soon the aro diac all in bower lower to provide more inars room for next year ear but they juet iet little froia roin gis ie iw pie from whom aid ald boal shoal I 1 come A new now pool hall halt la 14 tj li carsi of erection and bo the II 11 c itty jr r i says be he intends giving a free dance mourn the root table 14 1 rat la in the bum of the thresher Is i still heard jut but it I 1 expected that this weeks thresh log eg will finish anish all the monotony mono otly of the town of emery was w brokel on saturday morning when whet the hod rod nod sid bid wert were brought in charged iab cattle ablog al log 1 and arraigned arral gued befogs P V bunderson Dun ilmon but through some c nor in the warrant warrants they were liberated there to be a food good dral deal of cattle and sheep hustling la in thi this region at pm pree out some parties passing through a few daje days ago RO with a final small nock flock of sheep asylum their eara ears recently marked and some brands thorn off a canard mused bap owner owners to look on and la ia quit quite into the mutter matter lot but as nothing could be identified they were not mo jested there abonyi be don done to top stop uch such work and the gollay cartler part lef ler whoever they may lc be broucht to jn jut tice the of the salina cattle company are considerably worked up oter the present state of things aa as that seems to be the main losers 1 their losares IQ 14 cattle being vp in the thousands we got pretty thirsty here for A drink of water asat weik tho canal under golo going repair HELPER IN 11 until morgan will in the very nir butora begin the erection of two cotta cottage gem on do bli Us helper town property recer pur purchased chosed from levi simmons ike glaser is widening big already commodious commod lona etore store building in order to giro give room for the increased stock made necessary nece weary seary by bb his glowing ba labu P A smith ie Is ball dirig a residence enst north of jame james residence helper wax was almost depopulated fri diy daiy nna saturday by reason of the great number of out it ding catiz ns courtat court at the county seats cat the senti ment hero here waa was in favor of mr mrs hos in her berendt suit with the price trading compan pany Y SCOFIELD last week the minea minee worked nearly full time lime but they are fire now so far ahead of the order that the tor for work aro are hot 0 to o good john strong met with a very painful accident lut tat thursday As bo he w was going to bla his work in the mine he fell an ana the point of a large pick which he be os carrying under hie his arm entered ibe the back of hia his itt hand the weight of hit hi tody lody falling upon the handle drove the pick through bu his hind pinning him to the be ground making malting a very bad woun wound 4 alq and 1 in ri e 0 u sc q ne 0 c 0 0 ot f w which b lc h j john 0 h a w will ill not b be s s able b 1 t to 0 w work 0 r k f for or a 0 m 0 t time 1 w t A grand ball was bell la ill 1136 winter quarters Qa artera ball lost last friday night and they tripped the light fantastic quite gaily until ionic of the boye boys thought they would try a tet let of fire gre couples con but it not work the consequence was A IL little bills disturbance and some aneses ilia honor judge thomas held a midnight session ef court and soon made thing things right by imposing ita posing a nominal one u the parties W W thompson has gone to spaniel spanish fork on a A traveling concert froum of two men and two women in our town last week and gate an rm eter talu ment those who attended arakiel are kick ing tbell mIrce for wasting their time and isey bitched up their out dt tt t in bad ud tried to humphr jump 10 hr board bw but mr mrs T IL I L tioma thomm tap f 0 pl A 11 1111 N 1 I 1 intel lulng on the ll 11 alert ed bolog the they paid their bill 11 no wink the public should b warned Alli your valuable Tul pape pap aga leall inch such fratila fra fran tild 1 6 4 ddll loa kottek 1 we are ha cill pell jut now to 0 o u ui of what Is t coming A conjoint of the Y Us M aed Y L was wa beld at tit the ter tot quarters in efing bon honse last coeday birt brining alvir A verr alos alc waa was tendered ren dred to R house after whick he young uen metes ra As I 1 ind A and vacancies clee vr filled Is la it in young Asco clation the lafot aliu of mr and ad mr mrs J J carrick Carrl cli died alj very suddenly ly oa an monday it lw to well and ana hearty when hen ill all at once it WM wits taken hibb 11 deol la in a few ar minutes airs slider wilson ha has ft a little buy nith with typhoid foyer I 1 Is harry llon lani stud wits wife left loft cn ell saturday evening for oeal dow r where they I 1 will visit mr air howland i a fattier father r k v 4 z td lc saturday frontu ilotti where ito 1 a espedal cation of th county court dady brown stag f the roads re good nud ruti 1 U I rand bitet able besets durant and ad atkinson non ere for la in a largo crip acreage of croc next spring abey isaris 1 rich bottom lani which br by result ot of ta the climatic condition li li Is ver Ale man sirs sommers aad and geiger have sol 01 ol I 1 their willow used pro pronty er erty to mr Dennet tot lea iville who will occupy and aria ills touch J T faster ti is again at homo home hering recently returned relur ned from a trip to lifo moab all SPRINGS ballard divas the th popular ct camers mers have enlarged and fitted up their botel wall la in blegan t p ty I 1 a and u d are prepared to plea bontly entertain the tb leg arthur taylor 1 cans caa in from salt ut lak lake oa an wednesday of laet last wk with a car oar load of 0 material for the of 11 a dipping ri g v rat a ts at material to ri sasi lone on 0 cot cost over ottov ti om an I 1 Is i owned by henar end aria the taylet brother Droth erv th tha wertera veteria transported the lumber free of toe the capacity of ot the rat vat when colw will be 3 5 00 M bead head of sheep per day dip will be kept ou on hand and ad old sold to those desiring tome the yak at ac se lost coet cost mr ur ceri tie giai received a earb doc fine bucks he be baa has iop ep which are floding toward hi his reach rench near neaz blo blue moun talar dallard brother brothers will contract tor for i digging hio won of coal at ewt atu lr nine tie near at thia this aacen 1 I 1 I 1 goodman an I 1 green are driving their thiep ibis way and expect to dip hf when the rat vat ie is completed I 1 t wellington alf od U a father alecea irada t ally leaves growa aw WOT orl or L Us new ina in a and find at timm 1 tj to imp Ws for bini him to breath br eallis al rs win J tidwell and her bar brother wio win jones are now en on a fair recovery from the typhoid fever ad we A are glad to state abat is fiera Is i 0 sew now cases reported william and john Favre fawcett elt vea frank lang were wen fu fn town own today and report 0 X oa on the range and in fine shape professor hardy nardy is I 1 conducting X class in music and staging aad and 0 ap apparent parents 4 ly is bayla harlig good success it W avery la Is preparing to pet put up a A flue flae substantial frame dwelling thin fall and winter lehl jessen 4 nn an a abort short visit rialto to 4 f leads in 10 1 thia this week goo Is prepared to do iu iq nasf ina of mack kitbing mit bing and wagon work works I 1 sire ate him a call 1 the interests Inte reata of the holladay tidwell coal anine held by the theT idwella waa WM old to C a 11 ep t s partes I 1 last as 9 W week eek for tee the 4 rum of seventeen eer enteen hundred dollar 14 |