Show PRESS ur wasatch wave it hu has been suggest ed to us that it would be of pent alvan a tags to our farmers to form a farmer A Thel duala this let matthe the camers inner meet at stated time and report upon the conditions condi tiona of their crops aad and which bring the largest returns re what kinds of tillage they find and the bent best tbt of seed will do the beat best what methodi of irrigation or drainage Is i found to bo be the most effective effect if and at the east least coet cost and a thousand other questions can tw presented and to great advantage in an association of this kind it t can la in fact bo be made an agricultural school where each lesson Is the result of actual experience on the farms at home among our neighbor some may say a ob oh I 1 take agricultural periodicals and I 1 find and thou tlona discussed week after that may be true enough but yon you do not know whether or not thore theories will work with the land of this county or state until you try them again yon you cannot cloae the loan man who for the newspaper newa paper so 0 o easily aa as yoa wa abe who tell yoa his ex e z per perlemon peri lemoe enoe at a meeting an a for he the purpose of asking and answering ant questions reading amati discussing diac plane plans and theories aa as to the beet best methods of firming would certainly be a benefit to abe th a tamen tarr oera of tha this city and county why not profit by one field and farm aa As civilization baa has advanced agriculture haa has become more and more neco oury fur the welfare ot of society some people have always de do mannal labar 1001 duwa on the laborer aa as being a social interior or thie this feeling however ie is not general today ana mgt cherie bwl by the better clasa claim of those who do not I 1 ive to work with their handi As a cew farmer farmers ara becoming more intelligent thas 41 alag for greater of and oom bomm minding the respect of mankind everywhere it Is not prop 7 that the wealthy and educated classes look with disi didan dain upon tho the far fair mer to whom they are indebted for bread and ad katt all lasares lasa ees should re tiem member er bat mere employment or occupation cu haq bm not the power to make mag man truo and noble character ie Is tome some thing distinct from mere occupation no farmer f inner should have imply simply became because he be Is 1 a fanner farmer that is i good so 10 far B at it goc irm but doe does not go far he should honor bonor bb his mccu pallon by biting ao life no man should ainali ta to own that he be ii Is a farmer tamer or bo be ashamed of tho the fact that he b a the iou soil 11 tes iches us i hit that ae as nations tiiu rise ie in edae education atlon that agricula agri cul tore ture Is U now more h 1 arol nd respected hoi no only anly doc does it give a nation power and a ad influence abroad bat but it Is L also o 0 of a ilia h ayr teat t oas aid to I 1 a IM nh tau ox a colw a af at hew every bust basenese bas nese aad pro f ee donal qiona man 0 boht lalit toi be int lial tra A a 1 arid loo tl cathi tathi ta tbs interest Inte reet of th fanear faaui A to a so every branch of traio trade prospers proe pro pers apers undoubtedly the beet best crap P produced by the lilt last is U men an samaa AV ns and d bahten dah ten they xing a forth 11 hardy dy a couldren 0 0 of the h aalt la d aad and aror aro r eneyat into a all J the tits higher ow of at conr cirlia aloa large lar were the rule rather than the exception ae as h too loach much he the case BOW now days adny a the advantages dran of cauca tion extend to acy on an the farm snore than tover before and they grasp them then more generally and e ezily atly bat for what to escape from what they consider a humdrum buvire ment and enter that larger and more active world where th tbt 9 arizu aj K well aa as the alln roi af fro greated gre atef the Us pas kivis to we and lind enjoy enoy life 49 it Is 1 lived li lo 10 be the great teat centen of porI ari business is mom intense than U ever wait in the dar dare that are put and mad modem ern aduca tion rather stimulates Umu latae it than otherwise even me camell themselves thom selves havo barour tabs In infection and if they do not nog they oaly weakly rc their located children ch ildra train a their acquire mint cato to what seems anu to ham tham bettor better ac 1 aunt thin tillage of the ROIL boil only a small proportion even of our agricultural colleges college fl though given a special technical equipment for that se service irrice return to the farm if it they can gala gain fortune and and experience in some other calling they frequently like to neame fa faiming sa a an avocation but only in comparatively rare rate instances Is it adopted aa 48 a 14 this la lisnok not salt as it dl be and 11 wo we bellere that there if derided decided change chanze in the people of the tb united biage as a to firming farming ai as ao an occupation high cl farmer paper papers bare have done and are doing much la in the way of popularizing the of all industries credit boit be irleen to inch newspapers papera not only for faun faim method methods but for recruiting the rural population with thinking and educated people eople from the cities and towns denver aa ordinance baa has been 0 in the city council of chicago making it a penal offense to play football within the limits of at that city the school board of milwaukee bu has just established a rule prohibiting pupils be longing to the public schools of that city cit from playing the game and the legia clatur of at georgia will enact a law with a like object la diw the tide at 0 a op lon lom to football on account of brulay brutal zand iff and the many deaths and injuries which chit it cause la rapidly in all parta parts of the country and we hope that the time is to near when the game will be universally abolished |