Show youn mr is I 1 baid ld to ait langs of the eulist Ta flety it will tox take several alarms to let lot into vir atnia lala fla the thought registering machine will bar have to bar ber a alre proof attachment to successfully handle the thoughts of the defeated afat candid its for office attics 11 was E P IWO who once remarked that ator twe might bar have contented ber her sell with simply fod adne bede but she be accompanied the work v ith fragrant flower and lelldon lell doo fruits ahw 6 I 1 a ruuth buwa la Lf ari ippi who bo has h aa an ambition to become it gnat great editor rould advise him dostart by belli ban jn editor editorial groat great DM liess of the ay sky rocket variety la is peri per loci ilore and perish aUe A statement li aUment prepared by the bureau duean bows that the number of in the united states dunt the fint three month months of tho pro sent fis fiscal cial year was which is i a it is 0 ot dearly nearly sa compared ath with the h same period of last year 0 oloph D vows young aa a baa engraved engra red the lord a prayer oa on the head of an ordinary pin pla Two weeks shobe ago be began to engrave the worde words and found it aw work the letter lettering hog starts at the edee edge rim of the me pia pin head and circles around in a spiral until it finishes fini abea in a the center the reau republican bucaj 1140 la in bully eti engaged in training straining oat out gnata giants of human tons la in foreign balling it prosperity proe per at home 0 while they wallow swallow the camels of bigoted pedantry among which ia the lund belief bellef ti t the ding ley icy bin baa has created aa an agricultural god who poale hea the people of he the souta by giving them fire cent cotton while it pleases the farmer of the north by giving him 70 cent v neat hest this la to the paganism Pegan Paga ism of the republican party the secretary of the navy haa has declined to grant gmt the of the Coln Colum mUan lilan iron imn works cf of baltimore that the contract for speed in the case cl of qa two torpedo boat boats now in their bands the bogen and the winslow Wi nilow be WOW two knots per hour hout the boa ta an now required te at leant fhe knots per hour and the department baid that thia this can begotten be gotten from the craft as if it baita an properly bandied handled economic la is never ap political bias blan that VW that baa has briety a 0 intention Intonti oa and caneo noiea of and that 14 willine willing to pay par the prim 19 of giving up tip lu its cort ideals ad dreams 1 tai I found to be b ItIn alons tali this Is U abo one that abts the gues of the dark clonda clouds of public and froym it by going right it t iq g q to find aln the ome some of irm naulty lity q mind all political apolitical th nd dd are am but the froth and foia ct of ovo cino mw A statesman js 1 I gus a rha abo thaw facto facts a demagogue ia in one who tallu talks and theonies xe ses aad and Is i sometime ome some timM capable of loqui orl to words wd into well but ph raa rates bat more a of tea fall falls even ta tats A movement is U m fool loot tos for the eaten sion of th the sprint gl gla gin a n canal to cover leoland alio land rth and northeast ofIl of rice the property holden af 9 price and licin ity could 1 not rot footer faster a plan plait that would be of bene Alto the town meted hut la in the he 0 of acres conid te to and every toot foot would be occupied I 1 immediately after the canal 1 Is finished Ani elied awo who an are capable of judging say the land la Is aa as booi gooi if not better than the laud on an the leond bah aloas aop the fiver river one hundred Ja jamilleh milled added to the present atlon woold tend real estate away up and in create the revenue to tle the by bur On rhal balf it t would WON more facto people to paiao ausit what it I 1 needed it would increase the iro menne venne odthe of the county by adding thousands and of dollar dolian to the 4 lable able property r hat it would be boa A ftp alep toward the e of price a colimer or of eat out 66 era tm viah wak we WO aau a a thomad N I 1 I 1 A which would accrue a ecru to price koi carbon county by ibe the extension of this canal delow we publish a letter written by ulen miller tb the utah of fed fol eral patronage to mr edn rana cot of dry folk fork ulnah county and given to the vrna presumably by ta ta inc applicant for be the dry foik fork for publication the no exerts body of ur the letter krustins trus tinS lu that the b alra mr col call will pah push mum la in her bailiwick and that be will in th the future feel free ne to call her la in the interest of th the party la is significant and from indications glen miller I 1 iller said ld to b be a acta tortal wyl tant baa has not profited by senator ex lofall lo gall of kno kan lu sea experience in that be he appear to 10 have bays failed to add J the now famous fript burn this mr 1 tt r we may la to tha fa in tare lure have reasons to refer rotor to goldba goldbug republican methods in utah the letter la Is here given 1 as it appeared in the vernal a express SALT lz L z car utah oct 1817 18 mr MIX edna cole dry fork utah dear badami take pleasure plea enre in PA d tiling VISION yon you that I 1 have baye this day forwarded to the department year your name for postmistress at dry fork and expect the appointment to be made with in the next week or ten daya days I 1 trust that yoa YOU will continue to push the republican pub ilean cause in your part of the state and I 1 shall feel free to call rillon yon you in the party interest it it any time ln the W wo feel that frt dmit t hald p onca who hire have been leaden leaders la in the party and who bo will rill b be to us in un thi future with dea idea I 1 hare have recommended yon you for the place very truly |